Tag Archives: grades

Final Grades are Posted on Blackboard

thats all folksThanks for a wonderful class! Grades are now posted on Blackboard, and official grades will be posted shortly on CUNYFirst. Congratulations on completing the Introduction to Film course!

Here is the grade scale from CityTech’s student handbook:

A          93-100

A-        90-92.9

B+       87-89.9

B          83-86.9

B-        80-82.9

C+       77-79.9

C          70-76.9

D         60-69.9

F          59 and below

WU      Unofficial withdrawal (stopped attending)



Next Paper Assignment

Film still from Alfred Hitckcock's The Birds (1963)
Film still from Alfred Hitckcock’s The Birds (1963)

It’s spring break, the weather’s warm and birds are chirping (and thankfully not attacking). I have posted your last and final paper assignment if you want to get a head start on the paper. It’s due Thursday April 30th. In the next few days, I will also post the Group Project assignment.

Please be aware that the first paper assignment and midterm grades (as well as your mid-semester grades) are located on Blackboard.

If you are worried about your grades, please take a look at extra credit options.