As a follow-up to our first class, please tell your classmates a little about yourself and your interest in cinema. Have you ever taken a class on film history? What type of movies do you like? And how do you like to view movies? From home? in movie theaters? on a large screen or on computer screens? Share your thoughts with your classmates by replying to this post. Click on “Leave A Comment” above this post and then submit your response. Please complete your Introductions by class time on Thursday February 5th.
My name is Nakul and I was always interested in directing, whether it’s a movie or a music video, the concept always fascinated me. It really had me interested because directors have full control of how they shoot scenes and they can get to be creative as possible. I always felt like I could be creative while directing that’s why this class interests me. I’ve never taken a class on film, that is why I feel like i should start now because I want to learn the history about something i really enjoy. I love comedy movies and action movies. Occasionally a romantic comedy-drama depending on who’s in the film and who it’s directed by. Those 3 genres are my main favorites but i also do enjoy foreign films. One of my favorite films of all time is “City of God” by Fernando Meirelles. I enjoy watching movies with a lot of my friends inside at home because when we watch movies together, we like to make comments or jokes about the movie while we watch it together. Some people might find that annoying so that’s why I like to watch in the comfort of my own home. During the summer, my friend invites us over to his rooftop in Chinatown to project movies on the building next to his with a projector. That is my favorite because the screen is as big as a movie theater and its only my friends up there and no one else. That is my favorite place to watch a movie, second is at home.
Thanks for sharing, I’ve seen quite a few “private” projections on rooftops in my neighborhood too and find it fun to watch a movie from the street even though I can’t hear the dialogue. The City of God movie is wonderful and I hope to at least show a clip in this class.
What’s up, you guys? My name is Aladian and I believe that motion pictures are a form of art and art is the freedom of expression. From directors to executive producers, to actors, camera crews, costume designers, etc; they all get a chance express their individual art and creativity in movies. Sadly, I’ve never taken a film history class until now. But, I like all types of movies except for horror. As long as a movie has a powerful message behind it and I can get some type of inspiration from it, then it has my vote. I prefer viewing movies on large screens whether if it’s at home or the movie theaters just to feel like I’m rich, but it honestly doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t mind viewing movies on small screens or on my phone. As long as I’m watching the movie, I’ll be satisfied.
I don’t film classes are standard offerings until college so you are in the right spot. I too am not fond of horror movies and debating whether to spend much time on it!
Hi my name is Chun and this is my first film history class that i have taken. I like watching movies because it shows a lot of different stories that may or may not be true that can be related to. I like to watch any type of movie, but i really like watching movies that tell a really good story such as Lord of the Rings series including the Hobbit. I would would like to watch movies at home because i can watch them at any time i want, but i would watch them in the theaters with friends.
My name is Imran, and I’m a computer engineer technology student in my 3rd year here at City Tech. I have a great interest in cinema. The way how a movie comes together with all of the scenes, audio, and video is truly astounding. Watching movies is one way for me to de-stress. This is the first film history class Iâve ever taken. I basically like all types of movies, but mainly comedy. I enjoy having a good laugh. I also love/hate a movie that would end with a cliffhanger. It leaves me in a state of shock, trying to figure out what happens next, and the possibilities could be endless. I like to view movies from the comfort of my home mostly on my computer. I rarely go to the movie theaters, but I wouldn’t mind going.
Hi, my name is Amina and I am a movie fanatic! I have taken 2 film classes during my high school years but never one in college so I am looking forward to this class. I am interested to learn about all of the contributing factors that go into making a movie as well as seeing different styles of film. I am a fan of all genres as long as it doesn’t bore me! I mostly enjoy viewing movies at home or in a theater with friends.
Hi, my name is Maxim but I prefer just Max. This is my first year at City Tech. I thought I wanted to be a computer systems tech major but after two dreadfully boring CST classes I realized that I like using computers. I’m not so interested in how the work. So right now I’m undecided. I’m thinking about doing graphic design but I need to look up more stuff on it. This is the first film class I have ever been in and I’m super excited. I don’t think I have a favorite type of movie. But if I had to choose I guess it would be horror. I watch movies at home 90% of the time. I only ever go to the movie theatre if I’m going with someone.
My name is Courtney, I took a film class my senior year of high school but other than that I don’t have much experience with the course but I love movies and have always been interested in how they come together. I rarely have the time or money to go to the movies but I love going to free screenings with friends around the city during the summer and watching movies on my computer (mostly comedies and weird documentaries).
hi, my name is Daniel! I prefer Danny. this is my 5th semester at city tech since 2012. my major is graphic design and I’ve gotten interested in video editing so I’m hoping this class will teach me a lot about film and other things. but I love movies! love going to the movies all the time especially during the summer. I have about 60+ blu-Ray movies at home (I don’t keep count). I prefer seeing movies in the theaters to get the crowds reaction to the movie. my favorite type of movies are action/adventure, comedy, sci-fi, suspense, a little bit of the rom com stuff. I believe I’ve taken a class that talked about the different equipment to make a film when I was at BMCC and in my first semester here, I took a broadcast design class which got me interested in video editing. I hope to learn a lot from this class and looking forward the films we get to see in class!
Hi, My name is Shakira. This class will be my first time learning about film history. When watching movies I prefer to watch romance or comedies, but when both are collided together that is what I consider my favorite. I like when a movie can make me laugh as well as feel warm hearted. Scary movies are definitely my least favorite to watch, I donât mind watching the violence, I think itâs more about the anticipation of when something is going to just pop out at you. To me it depends the movie Iâm watching to decide where I rather see it. If it is a new release movie that I just canât wait to watch I rather go to the movie theater. For the most part I hardly watch movies at home unless it is as a last resort. It is safe to say I rather watch movies in theater if I do decide to watch a movie which I wouldnât consider too often.
Hello my name is Leslie Bonilla and i just turned 21. My major is liberal arts and sciences. i have never taken a class in film before. I’ve always been interested in the making of movies. The directors standpoint and the process of writing a screen play. My favorite kind of films would be horror/thriller or drama even documentaries. i would watch anything really as long as it has a good story . i appreciate all kinds of films from the old to the new. i have a special appreciation for the older films because depending on the time you see how it influenced society/culture or vise verse. The older films mold or should i say influence other films . Its always great seeing the transition from the older ones to the knew. I like to watch movies in both a theater or my laptop. i usually watch shows on my laptop and actual movies on a big screen. Thrillers or horror movies,in my opinion, are better on big screens, it adds to the suspense and creates a better experience.
Hello my name is Rayan and this is my third year at City Tech and this will be my first time ever taking a film history class and I look forward to it. My favorite type of genre of movie would definitely have to be sci-fi and fantasy movies however I do enjoy all the other genres. While I do like to go to the theaters to watch a movie I much prefer to watch them at the comfort of my home. However if there is a new movie that I’ve been waiting for awhile I’ll go as soon as possible to the theaters to watch them.
My name is Christian and this is my first time taking a film class in City Tech. I’m interested in this class because I’ve seen many great films and have always been amazed with the work of directors in movies. I typically enjoy classic action or gangster movies with a great plot that keeps me interested. I of course also enjoy comedy movies. I usually watch movies in the comfort of my own home but if a movie is highly anticipated, I will probably go to the movie theater to get the full experience of surround sound and a huge screen. I enjoy movies that usually have an overall message or lesson out of the movie. A few movies I’ve really enjoyed are Scarface, A Bronx Tale, Babyboy, and Wolf of Wall Street.
Hello my name is Edwin i am freshmen and this is my second semester. My interest in cinema is based on science because the way the film is formed back in the day since technology was advancing but now how it it now. The way i watch movies is through a jailbroken ipod or in theaters which i am able to download any type of movie and i view it either doing a study break or when i am finish with my work. They type on genre that i watch is mostly romance, adventure, action sometimes not all the time, and the type i don’t like and don’t ever watch unless i am with friends or girlfriend is horror since i don’t prefer to watch them but if they want to i would go and watch it. For example Chunky is one of the movies i am not fond of movies like that since it creeps me out since the type is violence through mass murder by a possessed doll which also makes me hate clowns .
Hello, I’m Natasha. I am a senior, and this is my last class before graduating. I major in Hospitality Management but I really have a fondness for art, especially for film and photography, which explains my interest in this course. I enjoy an array of genres of film, from comedy, fantasy to film noir. I particularly enjoy watching films in the comfort of my home, as opposed to the movie theaters. Sometimes, I feel that I miss certain elements of a film watching it from a big screen because my eyes cannot simply cover the entire screen at once, whereas, a television or computer screen makes it easier. I also admit to being that person with the habit of rewinding back to certain scenes when I feel I may have caught on to an insightful clue, or a very subtle but important action that may be occuring in the background of a film. Yes, I actually enjoy dissecting apart films for analysis (but not always). I have taken a Films from Literature course, here at City Tech, which I highly reccommend to anyone who enjoys reading/writing and watching movies; however, this will be my first experience learning about the origins of film making. Therefore, I am really looking forward to this course đ
Hi Professor my name is Dante. I’m for my BT in Mechanial Engineering. I’ve been in City tech since fall of 2010. I graduated from Cardinal Hayes H.S in the Bronx. I’ve taken a film class in H.S. But not a history film class. My all time favorite movie is ‘Coming to America’ with Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall. I do like watching a lot of the black and white films from the 50’s and 60’s. I saw the recording of Men in Black 3 right there on Court St. one summer. I have a neighbor that is an assistant make-up artist for the show ‘Points of Interest’. I hope to learn a lot more in this class then what I know about films.
Hello, Iâm Anthony and this is not my first film class. In high school I took a film class studying older types of movies. I also took a photography class where we learned the history of film and the process in which the physical film is developed. I have a great fondness for film, spending much of my free time watching whatever is new. I always found it interesting that a movie is constructed of so many smaller parts, especially being that many of these processes are never directly seen. Although I find many types of movies interesting, I have a tendency to watch comedic and action films. I would much rather watch movies at home especially since you are more comfortable and in your own element instead of being in a foreign place. One of the last movies that I viewed and found very well executed was Clint Eastwoodâs American Sniper, the storyline of it was very appealing and captivating while the action scenes were very intense and graphic. Another movie that I particular like was Men in Black 3, not only because it was shot outside of my house and the fact that Iâve been a fan since the first, but because of its storyline that keeps the audience captivated but still has many moments of comedy within.
Hello everyone. My name is Ola. I’m am a senior that studies Mechanical engineering and is taking this course because it’s an elective. This is the first time I’m taking a film choose and what I like about it is how we came so far with technology in film. In this 21 century we able to combine things that people couldn’t do like add animation into real life film or how we can’t trick the eye of a human being with things that can be real but it’s not. Certain examples of what I am saying is the smurf’s, 47 Ronin, The Avengers, etc. The type of film I love to watch are mostly Action, Comedy, Adventure and Horror films. Something that will get me out of my seat. As of where I like to watch film is a little I view them on the big screen rather than in my home. With the big screen I am able to see every little detail and it looks 10x better and nothing is cut out.
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