Homework #7

In this clip of the film, The Royal Tenenbaums, one of the Tenenbaum brothers, Richie, attempts suicide after he discovers truths about his adopted sister’s (Margot) secretive life; Richie recently realized that he has fallen in love with his sister. The jump cuts in this clip preview the gradual change of Richie’s look as he removes all the hair around his head, then flashback scenes of his family and life. Despite its technical use to create flashbacks and the anticipation of his emergency, the use of jump cuts in this scene, expressed in rapid pace, is emblematic of Richie’s realization that his world had changed after his discovery about Margot.

Click to view clip, The Royal Tenenbaums.

Homework #8: Experimental Film – Chris Marker’s “La JetĂ©e” (1962)

Time traveler in Chris Marker's "La Jetée" 1962
Time traveler in Chris Marker’s “La JetĂ©e” 1962

In 1962, Chris Marker released an experimental film that he described as a “photo roman” (a photo novel), which was comprised of editing together individual photographic stills rather than film shots. The result was La JetĂ©e, a groundbreaking short film of science fiction about time travel in a post-apocalyptic world. Marker’s film inspired Terry Gilliam’s 12 Monkeys (1995) and a recent TV series of the same name. Watch Marker’s film (it is 28 min) and the trailer of Gilliam’s movie, and discuss the use of cinematic time travel. Is it successful in La JetĂ©e? What movies have you seen that deal with time travel?

To watch an English version of La Jetée, you need to watch it in two parts:
Watch the important opening sequence of La Jetée by here (click on World War Three)

Watch the rest of La Jetée here (this version is missing the  very important first 3 min)

Watch the trailer of Terry Gilliam’s 12 Monkeys here.

If you want to see the whole 12 Monkeys movie, the entire film is temporarily available here.

Homework #8 is DUE by Tuesday May 12th.‹ Diamonds and Spades Post, Clubs and Hearts Comment.

Homework #7: Jump Cuts in Godard’s “Breathless”

Film still of Patricia (Jean Seberg) in car, Jean-Luc Godard, "Breathless," 1960
Film still of Patricia (Jean Seberg) in car, Jean-Luc Godard, “Breathless,” 1960

Jean-Luc Godard’s extensive use of jump cuts in Breathless (À bout de souffle) 1960 was highly influential on the “look” of many later films. In a jump cut, two shots of the same subject differ in angle or composition, the disjuncture creates a visual “jump” on the screen. The jump cut is an example of discontinuous editing, however, the uneven transition of one shot to another is often described as an amateurish technique. Yet, Godard masterfully uses the jump cut to highlight the urban rhythm of Paris and the whirlwind pace of modern romance. Watch this clip, in which Michel (Jean Paul Belmondo) gives Patricia (Jean Seberg) a ride across town to her appointment. Note the number of jump cuts in the car sequence, in particular, the change in backdrop that frames Patricia’s head.

For this week’s homework, please search for the use of jump cuts in a later film. You can watch clips of a movie you like to see if jump cuts are used, or simply “google” jump cuts. Post a link to the film you’ve found and describe the impact of the jump cuts in that film clip.

Watch the car sequence in Breathless here.

To complete this homework assignment, note whether you Post or Comment. For Homework #7, Clubs and Hearts will submit a Post and Diamonds and Spades will Comment (choose any of your classmates’ posts to comment on).

Homework #7 is DUE by Tuesday April 30th.‹ Clubs and Hearts Post, Diamonds and Spades Comment, note your blog group! Please email me if you forget which group you belong in.

Homework #6

While watching Attia’s “fan” movie deconstruction, it was interesting to see the contrast of the film and what the locations look like now. By revisiting the locations of films, the audience gains an insight and can make deeper connections to visualize what it was like when filming the scenes. There are people who do not care enough to think about such things but for those who have an interest in film and the way they are made and put together, it creates a new way to observe from the director’s and cinematographer’s point of views. This perspective is beneficial because it displays the scenery and setting in a different way. We see the background as the director would and can understand why that location was chosen for a certain scene. For example in The Birds, we see an explosion by the gas station when the birds attack, by deconstructing the film and revisiting the location, the people see the “untouched” location and can truly appreciate the work of actors and all those involved in making the scene look as it did in the final product.

Homework Number Six

Deconstruction of scenes by location is an introspective way to view a scene. I’ve seen deconstruction of scenes akin to California architect HervĂ© Attia’s short films, on blog sites in which famous scenes from movies are juxtaposed to images of film locations on google’s street view on maps. I think Attia’s short film in which she revisit prominent locations of movies such as Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds (1963) is a great way to feel nostalgic for a time well past . It allows the viewer to see how time has changed the location since the movie. It gives the audience a deeper vision of the location, and lets the viewer come to grasp that the sights seen in someones favorite film is an actual place immortalized in the film.

Homework #6

Fan made movies that visit scene of filming locations are really good for the movie itself and for the people that watch the movie. when people visit the film locations it shows the viewers many details that are not shown in the film such as how run down the places are from the many retakes they do to get the scene down. it can also show aftermath of explosion scenes and how dangerous it is for the actors to do those scenes and how much work it gets done to make sure everyone is safe and to get the scene done in that one take only. when people deconstruct film into the smallest detail for everyone to see i think that is when you can tell how good a director is really. by breaking down the film into the smallest details we can see the importance of the background and how they are suppose to contribute to how the story gets told. also by deconstructing the film the viewers get to see they way the director wants to tell the story in the film and why he connects certain scenes together or tells certain scenes the way it is told.

Homework #6(Diamonds)

I think fan movies that deconstruct film and revisits the location is a very awesome thing because it helps show the other fans of the movie and an inside look of how the location is during a regular day in every day life instead of a movie set. People will notice how different the location can be. A lot of people when watching movies think everything is a set but they don’t know that alot of movies use actual streets to shoot film. The sets are manipulated so it looks real but there are actors all over. Most of the time, it is not how the streets would usually be in every day life.  I personally enjoy seeing movies that deconstruct film and revisits the locations.

Homework #6: Filming Locations-Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’

School house in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" 1963
School house in Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” 1963

In Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds (1963), a beautiful socialite Melanie Daniels (played by Tippi Hedren in his first film role) takes a trip from San Francisco to Bodega Bay in pursuit of Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor). Although Hitchcock preferred to film on a studio set, there are numerous location shots that highlight his love for the city of San Francisco and the surrounding area. As a hobby, the California architect HervĂ© Attia produced a film short that revisits many of Hitchcock’s locations for The Birds. Watch Attia’s short film and a clip of the attack on the children scene. What do you think of “fan” movies like Attia’s that deconstruct films and revisit the locations?

Watch Attia’s film location video here.

Watch the attack on the children sequence here.

To complete this homework assignment, note whether you Post or Comment. For Homework #6, Diamonds and Spades will submit a Post and Clubs and Hearts will Comment (choose any of your classmates’ posts to comment on).

Homework #6 is DUE by Tuesday April 19th.‹ Diamonds and Spades Post, Clubs and Hearts Comment, note your blog group! Please email me if you forget which group you belong in.

Next Paper Assignment

Film still from Alfred Hitckcock's The Birds (1963)
Film still from Alfred Hitckcock’s The Birds (1963)

It’s spring break, the weather’s warm and birds are chirping (and thankfully not attacking). I have posted your last and final paper assignment if you want to get a head start on the paper. It’s due Thursday April 30th. In the next few days, I will also post the Group Project assignment.

Please be aware that the first paper assignment and midterm grades (as well as your mid-semester grades) are located on Blackboard.

If you are worried about your grades, please take a look at extra credit options.