Main deliverables:
- ground floor plan
- living level plan
- roof plan
- elevations (Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, Northeast)
All boards (PDFs) must contain:
- Graphic scale (for each unique scale)
- Dimensions for structural grid
- use your logo in your title block
- be specific with your title block information
All AutoCAD files must contain:
- 10 layers using “US national CAD standard” common naming standards
- one CAD file preboard
- use CTB file for printing (class standard “CityTech_Standard_BTech_S2020.ctb” or your custom CTB file)
- in your elevations include your reference photograph (or reference drawing)
Assigned Floor Plan @ 1/4”=1’-0”
- this drawing should walls, doors, fixed furniture and windows
- utilize layers with the A- (for architecture) prefix
- attached using (XR keyboard command) external reference your structural grid drawing
- submit as PDF prints and AutoCAD
- 4 boards, 22 x 34 (or 24×36) in PDF format
- AutoCAD DWG files and xrefs (“eTransmit” format)
- 9pm the day before your class
- Name files using the following naming convention:
- course_professor initials_semester_project name_student name
- (ex: ARCH2331_AA-KC_S20_Grid_JoseSanchez-01.jpg)
- files not conforming to department standards will may be graded.