Monthly Archives: October 2019


Question: I am confused as to how the architectural casework is supposed to be shown in the plans. Response: Casework is shown in the architectural plans only. Use the lightest lines to indicate casework. Items that should be considered casework … Continue reading

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notebook scan

Question: Do you want an email scan of our books or will they be collected next class? Response: Yes, I reviewed students notes after class. We also gave students the option to scan and upload their notes if they preferred, … Continue reading

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Question: Are you collecting notebooks today (10/17) or next week? I heard there was some talk about it but I didn’t catch on which day will it be.?  Response: Yes, we are collecting notebooks today (10/17) for the 2:30pm and … Continue reading

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reflecting pond

Question: A few more questions, since the plan doesn’t show any doors are we supposed to add them? And what is this big rectangle at the back of the house supposed to represent?  Response: Yes, you should add some doorways … Continue reading

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interior wall thickness

Question:  As I was doing the floor plan for the Ault House I noticed that most of the interior walls are only 3” thick. I already scaled the drawing before for the basement plan. Do I just leave them at … Continue reading

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