1. The problem with starting research with a thesis statement (at least for me) is its harder to find research if you don’t know much about a subject, if you look for something specific it may not exist (I swear something like this happened to me). Research is generally done to get a better idea or just ideas in general. Its okay is when you have a good idea of what you want your paper to be about.
  2. At first thought I was nervous about not having an answer but the more I think about it the less I’m uncomfortable. If there was a solution to the problems we were researching we wouldn’t have problems to discuss. Also when we’re doing research there is the possibility that there will be several fixes to a problem and that they may contradict each other.  In my opinion this is scarier than not finding a solution.
  3. I am bad at researching because in the past I would look for research that would support an idea I had before I knew anything about what I was researching.  So I don’t have a tip for something I’ve already done but a tip for me when I will need to do the research is: look at documents with different point of views before looking for specific info to get a better idea of the topic in general.