Course Readings
Recommended texts
Badke, William. Research Strategies: Finding Your Way Through the Information Fog. New York: Iuniverse, 2014. (Reserve Z710 .B23 2014)
Crowe, Norman, and Paul Laseau. Visual Notes for Architects and Designers. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2012. Print. (Reserve NA2750 .C76 2012)
Annotated Bibliography, City Tech Library
Architectural Technology Subject Guide, City Tech Library
Baker, Nicholson. “The Charms of Wikipedia.” The New York Review of Books. 20 Mar 2008. 55(4).
Bustillos, Maria. “Wikipedia and the Death of the Expert.” The Awl. 17 May 2011.
Dalzell, Rebecca. “The Whiskey Wars that Left Brooklyn in Ruins.” 18 Nov 2014.
Digital Archives Materials, Purdue OWL
Evaluating Internet Sources, University of Illinois Libraries
Evaluating Sources, City Tech Library
Historic Maps as Historian’s Evidence, Newberry Library
How to Use Prezi, Oregon State University
Introduction to Archives, Purdue OWL
Is It Plagiarism Yet? Purdue OWL
Li, Shirley. WikiGalaxy: A visualization of Wikipedia Rabbit Holes
Making Sense of Maps, George Mason University and the American Social History Project
McCandless, David. “The Beauty of Data Visualization.” [Video]. Ted Talks. July 2010.
Primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, Virginia Tech University Libraries
Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, Purdue OWL
Rothman, Joshua. “Why is Academic Writing So Academic.” New Yorker. 20 Feb. 2014.
Sanderson, Eric. Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City. Abrams. 2009.
Students Can’t Access Essential Research
Vida Maliene, Vytautas Grigonis, Vytautas Palevičius, and Sam Griffiths. “Geographic Information System: Old Principles with New Capabilities.” URBAN DESIGN International 16.1 (2011): 1. (handout)
What are archives and how do they differ from libraries? Society of American Archivists
What are primary sources? Yale University Libraries
Why and How to Avoid Plagiarism, City Tech Library
Wikipedia Sites:,_Brooklyn,_Brooklyn