rabbit hole reflection

I get into wikipedia rabbit holes myself, all the time. Ā Sometimes they are productive, an other times, they are not. Ā What determines how productive following Ā interconnected links, for me, is how I organize my web browser.

First an foremost, I don’t use Safari or IE. Ā I like Firefox for its customizability. Ā I install a plugin called Tab Mix Plus. Ā This allows me to open tabs on multiple lines; without the plugin, the tabs are hidden after one line. Ā There are many more customization options too, such as conditional coloring, alternate contact menus, and tab protection as well. Ā These are all very useful when trying keep track of many websites.

whiskey wars reflection

Well, it seems like government regulation is timeless. Ā “The Whiskey Wars That Left Brooklyn in Ruins” was a great example of government intervention into the private sector.

The article highlights the arbitrary taxation enforced by the government. Ā TheĀ November 2, 1870 event shows the carelessness of the commanders in charge of their battalions. Ā This is evident by the carless dumping/wasting of product belonging to American citizens. Ā This is wrong regardless of their tax status.

The Smithsonian article balances text and pictures well. Ā The politicalĀ cartoon and newspaper illustration helped me understandĀ the era better.

Reflection #3: A visualization of Wikipedia Rabbit Holes

Visualization technology is great, and this is another example. Getting a much different perspective and representation of data such that articles represent stars and showing relevance to other articles based on length makes the model easy to digest. It’s a great way to understand the connectedness of topics and ultimately what the editors believe is relevant to link to, this was only done with one hundred thousand articles, it’d certainly be interesting to see the visualization of the whole of Wikipedia and it’s potential rabbit holes. After using the visualization myself you can get lost in the rabbit hole of the model itself, fun to play around with.

Third 100 Word Reflection: WikiGalaxy

I am aware that I constantly fall into a Wikipedia Rabbit Hole time and time again, no doubt about it. Reading this short piece on Wikipedia Rabbit Holes and how the visualization chain is mapped out was pretty cool. I feel like in the moment, we might not remember how we got from A to K, I do however feel like when we are going in deeper and deeper, our brain already maps out the paths, or the connections and tucks away the information. I believe it is important to fall into a Wikipedia Rabbit Hole every now and then.

Whiskey war

Whiskey war
The article ā€œthe whiskey war that left Brooklyn in ruinsā€ took out a brief history that were fought in NYC during 1860ā€™s.first i was surprised to know that Brooklyn was one of the popular place for alcohol production.During that time vinegar Hill was named Irish town due to Irish immigration and small number of whiskey distillers. it was interesting to know how liquor was legal but tax were triple todays rate and some of these distiller continued to operate without paying taxes. excise taxes was a way of raising money by the federal government even then and still now.