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WikiGalaxy: A Visualization of Wikipedia Rabbit Holes

As a person who gets so easily distracted by the weirdest things, I know exactly what the “rabbit hole” is, even without knowing that term until now. I think sites like Wikipedia that give links in blue to certain topics within the primary topic that we originally went to the site to research, it allows us to gather more information about whatever we came to find from a different perspective or source. But before we know it, we find ourselves completely far away from why we needed to be there in the first place. For instance, I may have went to Wikipedia to find out something about Ancient Greece for a college project. 20 minutes later, I’m reading about something completely different and I don’t know how or why I got there.  I do not think this is something we do intentionally as people living in a world now with so much technology, media, and search engines where we can type in ANYTHING, and that’s what will be found in a matter of seconds.

Whiskey war

Whiskey war
The article “the whiskey war that left Brooklyn in ruins” took out a brief history that were fought in NYC during 1860’s.first i was surprised to know that Brooklyn was one of the popular place for alcohol production.During that time vinegar Hill was named Irish town due to Irish immigration and small number of whiskey distillers. it was interesting to know how liquor was legal but tax were triple todays rate and some of these distiller continued to operate without paying taxes. excise taxes was a way of raising money by the federal government even then and still now.

Reflection of the Whiskey Wars

After reading this article it’s no surprise to me that this time was filled with corruption. By the looks of it it isn’t much different from our current times in 2016. While there are obvious differences such as no raids of distilleries or factories, corruption within our corporations is still a huge problem. I learned that what is now called Vinegar Hill was once called Irishtown due to the massive influx of irish immigrants. Also I found that President Ulysses S. Grant’s secretary was found to be apart of a huge whiskey ring which I found ironic! I can’t wait to visit this area with the class.

The Whiskey Wars

The Whiskey Wars was a very interesting reading that I feel most New Yorkers, or specifically Brooklynites know about. Apparently the vinegar hill area of Brooklyn was full of illegal distillery’s, were manufacturers were trying to avoid paying the federal tax at the time on alcohol. The 1860’s in Brooklyn was full of federal raids and riots on behalf the whiskey runners. I guess New Yorkers have always been trying to avoid pay taxes.

-Frank Smith