Homework #3 Rabbit Hole

Just sitting in front of the computer, you never know what lurks behind that glass screen. The simple stroke of letters on the keyboard and the click on “enter” takes you to a different dimension of the inside of the computer world. What awaits and what pops up never ceases to amaze us. I often find myself in this same exact scenario, where I’m trying to research a certain topic and often get side tracked by a lurking headline that gets my attention and steer me away from my research. I get caught up and carried away and it takes me forever to finish an assignment because I’m reading articles on topics that is irrelevant to my assignment.  I honestly believe what we need is discipline, focus and concentration. It’s so easy to get carried away on the internet, with our eyes and mind glued to the screen for hours, our fingers just clicking away and the world around us doesn’t seem to exist for a while. 

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