Chapter 9 Summary – Tourism

In the ninth chapter of the text, the author illuminates the nature and machinations of the preeminent hospitality field known as tourism. The chapter begins by sharing that tourism is essentially about facilitating and pleasing individuals or groups who maybe traveling for business or pleasure. According to the text, tourism is typically classified by things such as geography, motivation, and industry. In addition, the clarifies that tourism is nebulous term for a collection of interdependent industries. When taken as whole, tourism is widely considered the largest industry in the world. The author also points out that there tends to be a pronounced positive economic impact on the surrounding locales where tourism takes place. The chapter the turns its attention to the enterprises and individuals that make tourism possible, and these include tour operators, travel managers, wholesalers, travel agencies and the like. They act as intermediaries between tourist and the destination they intend on visiting. Afterwards, the chapter discusses the how the desire to experience new things is what generally drives prospective tourist to travel. From here, the author then brings us to the contentious discussion of how tourism is perceived by those it affects. The audience comes to learn that many view tourism as a positive because it brings understanding to different cultures and can bring new wealth to more impoverished regions, but on the contrary many see it as a detriment because it tends to come with local cultures and in many cases damage there natural environments. One also learns that the growing trend of touristic activities that seek to mitigate and alleviate this harm is known as ecotourism. the chapter comes to a close by focusing the tourism’s industry newfound trajectory towards sustainability.


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Chapter 1 Summary PGS 3-46

Chapter one starts off the introductory part of the Hospitality industry. We discover the meaning behind the word “Hospitality” which means “hospice” in French which means to give shelter for travelers. The chapter goes on to talk about the the Sumerians whom started to create different form of communications and other things we used till this day. It goes way back to ancient times of how the hospitality industry began and how it grew to become thing immense project for years and years to come. Small restaurants and lodging places were soon placed in different towns. Restaurants started off as coffee houses and hotels as taverns. The French Revolution then happened and changed the hospitality industry. The revolution caused people to migrate to different places and found comfort in many places like New Orleans where they introduced their different forms of culinary. The chapter goes on to discuss Antoine Careme and Auguste Escoffier who are considered the culinary founding fathers. After WW2 the industry grew rapidly creating many developments like hotels and motels. The book details the different positions in both the hotel aspect as well as the culinary aspect. It describes the industry as a fast paced exciting environment with a lot of room to grow. We learned that the pineapple is the international symbol for the hospitality industry. The chapter discusses the changes that have taken place throughout the years due to climate changes and other altering factors like tourism. It also discusses the values of the service industry and its core values. The chapter also discusses the Disney approach which is the total guest experience and being part of the guests happiness. The Disney Service model is also put into focus which is basically a guide as to how Disney has been able to be as successful as they have been throughout the years since they started back then. Disney stresses the point of leadership at the workplace. The chapter ends by asking the reader if they believe the hospitality industry is for them or not by giving a few examples of qualities one should have to come the that conclusion. A few pointers and tips are also given at the end of the chapter, kind of like checklist to have and a few organizations to join to further your knowledge of the industry. This chapter was very insightful and important because the history of the hospitality industry is just as important as the present and future.

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Electronic Profile

Hey All!

My name is Julissa Ramos, this is my second semester here at City Tech. I transfered from Buffalo State where I was studying hospitality as well. It wasn’t until my second year that i declared a major because before that i was undecided. I spent two years in Buffalo and came to the sad realization that i did not want to be there any longer so i came back home to Brooklyn. My parents have always been strict about staying in school but i took the year off just working and getting myself situated again. I then came across a trade school called ICE which stands for Institute of Culinary education. Despite it being a culinary school, i was there for their new hospitality management program. My plan B was always City Tech but unfortunately i was late for registration so instead of waiting for the following semester i enrolled in ICE. My experience at ICE wasn’t what i thought it would be. Unfortunately i feel as though i wasted my time and money at this institute when i should have just waited to enroll at City Tech. But enough about my mistakes lol. I’m learning as i go and i’ve came a long way. The hospitality industry has always been my passion. At first my focus was on becoming a chef but after taking a few culinary courses i realized it wasn’t my thing although i loved to cook i just didn’t want to do that for a living. I know my passion was always traveling although i didn’t do much of it, i still dreamed of traveling the world. I also realized my passion for connecting with others and being able to make another persons day better with any minor detail that came from me. The beauty of this industry is the endless amount of opportunities that open up as soon as your foot is in the door. Being a Dominican-American, and having been at both places throughout my life, it’s always caught my attention that i have been blessed to be both. I come from the greatest city in the world, with a background in one of the most beautiful countries in the Carribean. Hospitality is everywhere therefore the amount of jobs created throughout the years is truly amazing. There will always be job opportunities in this field. I even thought about studying this career in Dominican Republic but i then realized it wasn’t something i was ready for just yet. In my country they call it “la carrera del vago” or “the career for the lazy” but in a good way lol. They call it this because it is a fun industry and if it is something you really want to do, all the more fun it will be. They say find a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. I consider myself a goal oriented individual who is outgoing, caring, passionate, and selfless. The greatest gift i received was the education given to me growing up, it taught me to be humble and to give without expecting anything in return.

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Carlos Amaro – Electronic Profile

Hello, I am Carlos Amaro. I am a young adult attempting to find my place in the of world productive self-sufficient individuals. This noble pursuit has led me to choose hospitality management as my new line of academic focus. For the sake of transparency I will admit that I have not had the most illustrious record of success and achievement with respect to my tertiary education. I floundered for a few years in a directionless malaise of liberal arts courses, and despite me graduating from high school at the age of seventeen I now stand at the ripe old age of twenty-one without a degree. After giving some significant thought to how tedious and ultimately harmful my lackadaisical mediocrity was for my future, I decided that I should invest my energy into major that had potential for future employability. I was looking for a major that would confer highly transferable skills. Unsurprisingly, these stipulations led me into the obvious direction of hospitality management.

In all honesty I principally considered hospitality management because the reasonably priced college I am currently attending has a fairly good reputation with respect to that field of study. Initially,  I had the mindset that if I’m not going to endure the arduous process of transferring schools then I might as well try what is probably the most worthwhile- that also doesn’t require too much math- program that my school has to offer. Even though my previously mentioned motivations might sound rather utilitarian, I must also say that I partially considered  the major due to my deep fascination with geography, global current affairs  and all things indicative of refinement and luxury. To me the hospitality industry provided a unique nexus where all these interest regularly collide. Well before even considering the major I was always interested in reading about innovations in molecular gastronomy or the spending habits of Brazilian tourist for example.  I didn’t know until fairly recently that there was a whole industry that could allow me to indulge in all those varied interest that I have. Ultimately, It was this realization along with the general practicality of it all that made me decide to change my major and vigorously pursue the field of hospitality.

In addition, the hospitality industry seems promising because genuinely feel that it can lead to an opportune and meaningful career. I find this to be very important. I personally do not have much employment experience. My first foray into the world of working adults was in a little known company called Green Mountain Energy. Green Mountain Energy is a renewable energy supplier founded in Vermont but headquartered in Texas, and they claim to produce all their energy from wind and/or solar energy. I worked for them for about eight months starting last November. I was but a mere lowly commission based salesman. I was tasked with the odious duty of stopping people in or in front of specified retail locations and determining whether they were eligible to sign up, and if so, persuading them to sign up. To a lot of my colleagues this was fulfilling work. They got make money on their own time and have the satisfaction of knowing they were helping save the environment. While i did agree it was a noble cause, I was just absolutely not cut out for it. I barely made any money and only worked sparingly. It was honestly a terrible experience. All I can remember is the frigid weather I had to suffer through. Ultimately, I was let go after about eight months due to low performance. That’s why, given all its potential, I feel the hospitality industry is a route to a fulfilling job where I’ll never have to worry about inclement weather causing me financial distress. At this point I am not sure where I’ll end up. I have authentic interest in both front of house and heart of house careers, and as of now I am enthusiastically exploring my options.

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Chapter 1 Summary – Introducing Hospitality

In the first chapter of “Introduction to Hospitality” we are introduced to the basic idea of what hospitality industry is. It begins with historical foundations of the concept of hospitality as it was forged in Antiquity and medieval and early modern Europe. It goes on to discuss the general characteristics of the modern day hospitality industry. These include the vehement emphasis on guest satisfaction, its predisposition round-the-clock service, and vast amount of time and attentiveness those in the industry must devote in order to be even satisfactory. Furthermore, the chapter details the unique qualities of the products that the industry provides such as their inherent intangibility and daily perishability. It later goes on to delineate the various careers within in hospitality that one can take part in. These include but are not limited to restaurant ownership, hotel management and food and beverage preparation. In conclusion, the chapter encapsulates the keys to success in the industry with its reiteration and elaboration on hospitality’s intense commitment to service along with a stringent requirement of a philosophical vision.

                   Key Terms

1. Corporate philosophy- Textbook def: The core beliefs that drive a company’s basic organizational structure. My example: A staple of Disney’s corporate philosophy is its commitment to create an exceptional experience for every individual who enters the gates of one of their properties.

2. Empowerment- Textbook def: The act of giving employees the authority, tools, and information they need to do their jobs with greater autonomy. My example: Those involved in housekeeping are empowered when they are allowed to use their own discretion when executing room maintenance.

3. Font of the house- Textbook def: Comprises all areas with which guest come in contact, and also refers to the employees who staff these areas. My example: The lobby at the entrance of a hotel is a prime example of front-of-the-house.

4. Goal- Textbook def: a specific result to be achieved; the end result of a plan. My example:  My current goal in attending City Tech is to attain a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management.

5. Guest satisfaction- Textbook def: The desired outcome of hospitality services. My example: A hotel has achieved guest satisfaction if they acquire consistently loyal patronage.

6. heart of the house- Textbook def: The back of the house. The kitchen of a restaurant is a prime example of the heart-of-the-house.

7. Hospitality- Textbook def: 1. A cordial and generous reception of guests. 2. A wide range of businesses, each of which is dedicated to the service of people away from home. My example: It’s an honor for any hotel to be the first thing that comes to mind when a person thinks of the word hospitality.

8. Inseparability- Textbook def: The interdependence of hospitality services offered. My example:  The fact that a guest requests can shape a chef’s execution of a meal is a display of the inseparability of key processes in the restaurant business.

9. Intangible- Textbook def; Something that cannot be touched. My example: Light is intangible.

10. Nation Restaurant Association- Textbook def: The association representing restaurant owners and the restaurant industry. My example; The National Restaurant Association actively lobbies to keep the wages of tipped employees below that of the Federally mandated minimum wage.

11. Perishability- Textbook def: The limited lifetime of hospitality products; for example , last night’s vacant hotel room cannot be sold today. My example: The seats in a restaurant are perishable on a daily basis.

12. Total quality management (TQM)- Textbook def: A managerial approach that integrates all of the functions and related processes of a business such that they are all aimed at maximizing guest satisfaction through ongoing improvement. My example: Regular onsite corporate inspections are an integral part of total quality management.

13. Tourism- Textbook def: Travel for recreation or the promotion and arrangement of such travel. My example: Thailand is global hotspot for international tourism.

14.  Sustainability- Textbook def: The ability to achieve continuing economic prosperity while protecting the natural resources of the planet and providing a high quality of life for its people and future generations. My example: Recycling is a common sustainable practice.

15. Return on investment- Textbook def: An important financial measure that determines how well management use business assets to produce profit. It measures the efficiency with which financial resources available to a company are employed by management. My example: Every stockholder would ideally like to have a significant return on investment.

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