Chapter 9 (due 2/24)

17 Responses to Chapter 9 (due 2/24)

  1. Shaina says:

    Chapter 9 is about Tourism I really enjoyed reading it because I see myself doing something pertaining to it. Tourism is the worlds largest industry, this is very important in Hospitality because everyone travels. Chapter 9 talks about how the benefit of tourism is spectacular and how its opened more doors for employment, income, government tax rev etc.
    It also explains the history breaking it down into five ages. Pre- Industrial, The automobile age, The jet aircraft age and the Cruise ship age. Those titles are pretty much self explanatory. The economic impact of tourism can be a bit much. It explains that international travelers spend 94 billion in the U.S alone. And 59.7 million international travelers visit the U.S.
    That is so interesting to me. I also love how this chapter breaks down the cultural, heritage and economic impact tourism has in the world. It explains how the legacies of the past are what we live today and how the future generations will be affected by what we do. Overall this chapter is something people in Hospitality need to understand. Because it affects their lives as well. The Trends, The economic growth, The culture, Heritage, Ecotourism, Social impact. Its all about how we view the world. And tourism is a huge part of everyday life.

  2. Diana Zaro says:

    Im so confused with the Chapter numbers….but this 3rd assignment powerpoint was quite useful providing information about all the Management positions and there roll in how to have a successful Hotel Business. The main manager everyone needs to check upon, is the General manager. He/She has to have complete knowledge of the entire hotel functions and service.The Executive committee is consider like the key manager of the hotel He/She is required to have hour long meetings to be able to get informed and provide better ways to conduct the hotel. The other managers, they each play an important roll because they have to manage an specific aspect of the hotel management function and thats what makes the service work. This power point also informed us about what exactly is a hotel and what kind of purpose it has which is to provide good accommidation to visitor traveling away from home. Lastly this chapter also mentions how they sale the rooms and there objective of trying to be able to accupy every possible room in the highest price they can. Its recommended that if ur an employee is best you gain all the possible information referring to the location and hotel you work. The front desk is referred as like the nerve due to the fact that all the actions and the guest service is all transitioning at this area and is were the guest interact with hotel staffs.

  3. Nexmaury Gil says:

    Chapter 9, Focuses on the Tourism industry and how vast the organization is in the world. When it comes to travel, leisure, business etc. the tourism industry is large because of these reasons and employs as well as brings a lot of revenue as a whole world wide. The chapter also goes into detail in the development and benefits the industry has acquired over many years and the areas it has affected. For example, travel of railroads to Airlines and the improvements and cost difference as the industry grew. In the chapter we see how Tourism also correlates with other hospitality organizations like hotels and restaurants, as part of travel includes to spend money on those fields and not just travel itself. Also stating how the positives and negatives of the industry and in many ways impacts our culture and nature. Like Ecotourism and how it provides financial benefits and opportunities for locals and smaller environments in general.

  4. Cha says:

    According to World Tourism Organization and World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism produces 9.1 percent of gross domestic products world widely and employ 259 million people. For a developing and growing country, tourism takes large percentage of gross domestic income and tax revenues. According to United Nation World Tourism Organization’s definition of tourism, it is activity of a person in place other than ones usual environment for leisure, business, and other purposes.
    There are some trends causing tourism. Opened boarder makes people to travel faster and easier. Increase in disposable income will allow people to spend more money and increase in vacation allows people to have time to spend that money. Traveling fee should be reasonable; otherwise people will not be willing to travel.
    There had been five periods of tourism. The c horological order of era is Pre-Industrial Revolution, Railway Age, Automobile Age, Jet Aircraft Age, and Cruise Ship Age. Early travelers had religious and trading purposes. Hotels were open in cities with stations. Motels followed by trend after cars got popular. Buses and cars caused decline in rail travel. Boeing’s Dreamliner 787 used 20 percent less fuel. Airlines lowered their fair due to competition. Hub and spoke system allowed airlines to use fuel efficiently and maximize load of passengers. Cruise market expended recently. Mass market, middle market, and luxury market are the three different markets, and price per person per day depends on the market.
    Tourism can have positive and negative impacts on communities. Tourism brings opportunities for people to have understanding cultures, universal respect, human rights, and fundamental freedom for all. The term ‘ecotourism’ is tourism with conscience and focusing more on individual values. Ecotourism destinations are located in under developed but developing countries. The concerns about environment, physical resources of the place, and sociocultural degradation are reason why we should follow sustainable tourism.
    There are types of tourism. These types are classified by purpose, or reason of the travel. The types are cultural, heritage, nature, culinary, and volunteer tourism.

  5. Meisa says:

    Chapter 9 explores everything from the history of tourism to trends in tourism.
    Countries rely on tourism, “to gain a positive balance of trade with other nations.” Tourism is a significant percentage of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in many developing countries.

    The history of tourism has been developed through the movement of peoples for religious and economic reasons. The railways has been instrumental in building cities along the borders where rail depots were. The advent of cars and buses caused the decline of railway travel. The introduction of airplanes has resulted in people being able to travel to far flung locals easier and cheaper. Airlines are competing with each other for every airline travelers money, thus the creation of the Hub and spoke system which has allowed airlines to carry passengers to large hubs and from there smaller airlines carry passengers to smaller cities.

    Eco- tourism has become a major force in the tourism industry. It allows the tourist to see a host country’s natural resources, promotes tolerance, respect and ensures long term economic operations.

  6. Ana says:

    This chapter talks about the tourism industry and it being the largest industry in the world. It talks about the role tourism plays and the benefits it has such as providing the government with tax revenues and offering more employment this happens by people traveling more, reasonable airfare price, and an increase of people with time and money. Travel, lodging, food service, and recreation all rely on each other for business and are all parts of the tourism industry. Before traveling was more about religion and trading reasons but now traveling has changed over the years and it talks about the five different ages such as the pre- industrial, the railway age, the automobile age, the aircraft age, and the cruise ship age. Rail and auto travel let to the development of towns, cities, hotels, motels, and highways. Airlines are an essential part of tourism because there is heavy competition amongst airlines passengers are paying less which leads to an increase in air travel. Cruise travel is also a major part of tourism it states that 9 million Americans each year go on cruise. This chapter also talks about culture and heritage and how the past and what we do today will be passed on to the future generations.

  7. Alison McGovern
    Chapter 9 Summary

    Chapter 9 presents the many positive impacts the tourism industry has on a global level regarding employment rates, tax revenue, international peace, understanding, prosperity, respect for human rights, and trade between nations. In addition, the tourism industry is beneficial in putting underdeveloped nations on the map and raising public awareness of these countries through sustainable ecotourism. Chapter 9 goes on to talk about the historical development of tourism with the “Five Ages of Tourism,” from the pre-Industrial Era, when travel was mainly for religious or trade purposes, all the way to the increasing popularity in cruise ships in recent years. In this chapter, we learn about some promoters of tourism, including travel agencies, the National Tourism Organization, and city, state, and national-level offices of tourism. Chapter 9 also covers the many reasons for travel, such as business, leisure, cultural, heritage, nature, culinary, and volunteer tourism.

  8. Shuhong Wu says:

    In chapter 9, it introduces the development of tourism. It becomes the world’s largest industry. With the development of technology, industry of tourism could be divided into five periods – pre-industrial, the railway age, the automobile age, the jet aircraft age and the cruise ship age. We can easily find that it was divided by the vehicle which has a significant impact on tourism. In addition, tourism effects on the national economy so that more and more promoters spring up today. Ecotourism, sustainable ecotourism and heritage tourism are getting more and more popular.

  9. Liqing gong says:

    Chapter 9 talks about tourism is the world’s largest industry. It’s a activities to people traveling in places outside their environment for leisure, business, and other purpose. Tourism continuation of global economic development, raises the worldwide GPD, and brings government with large tax revenues. In the past, tourism has five distinct ages, pre-industrial revolution, the railway age, the automobile age, the jet aircraft age, and the cruise ship age. Pre-industrial revolution is mainly for one religious to other. As the development of technology, the transportation travel have made hospitality industry more convenient and alternative. Furthermore, the world tourism organizations enhance people ‘s knowledge of international cultural. In the future, hospitality industry will be getting better and better.

  10. Anne Huang says:

    Chapter 9 introduces what is tourism and how it is important in Hospitality. Tourism is one of the world’s large industry and one of the specialized agency of the United Nations is the World Tourism Organization. It plays a role in the development of sustainable tourism, development of universally accessible tourism, continuation of economic development, international understanding, peace, prosperity, and respect for human rights and freedom. The benefits of tourism is that it provides governments with substantial tax revenues, and offers the greatest global employment prospects. A lot of people are interested in tourism is because of the opening of borders it has, the increase in disposable income and vacations, reasonably – priced airfares, an increase in the number of people with time and money, and people with the urge to travel. Ways to travel are, traveling by car, train, bus, airplanes, cruise ships, and etc. Each ways of traveling has an economic impact on tourism such as the multiplier effect.

  11. Anne Huang says:

    Chapter 9 introduces what is tourism and how it is important in Hospitality. Tourism is one of the world’s large industry and one of the specialized agency of the United Nations is the World Tourism Organization. It plays a role in the development of sustainable tourism, development of universally accessible tourism, continuation of economic development, international understanding, peace, prosperity, and respect for human rights and freedom. The benefits of tourism is that it provides governments with substantial tax revenues, and offers the greatest global employment prospects. A lot of people are interested in tourism is because of the opening of borders it has, the increase in disposable income and vacations, reasonably – priced airfares, an increase in the number of people with time and money, and people with the urge to travel. Ways to travel are, traveling by car, train, bus, airplanes, cruise ships, and etc. Each ways of traveling has an economic impact on tourism such as the multiplier effect.

  12. In Chapter 9 they go in depth on the world’s largest industry, Tourism. The world of tourism never stops, it is always going to be in high demand and with over 259 million people employed world wide, the tourism industry is a well-oiled machine with many countries providing customer service and beautiful views that we can’t get anywhere else. With many people now having the time and money to explore the world like they’ve never seen it before, more and more people have the urge to travel to exotic locations. Travel, lodging, foodservice, and recreation, these four segments compliment each other in the world of tourism. Chapter 9 also tells us about the historical development of tourism going back to before the 1840’s. It shows us how convenient each era in the tourism industry and explained why majority of people traveled. As technology grew and the way people traveled, so did tourism. A high demand of curiosity within each living person made for a high supply of resorts and hotels and various other affordable resources, such as airfare, bus fare, car rentals and train travel. Tourism showed it has and will always bring revenue to everything surrounding it. Airlines have been keeping up with tourism, making it easy for many to get around at an affordable price, and now we can basically travel anywhere we want. Also, the usual airliner have been able to hold more and more people throughout the years making planes bigger and more spacious to carry a bigger load of passengers. Chapter 9 shows us a bit about airlines profit and loss, telling us what the company pays for in terms of maintaining an airliner and what they pay for in terms of employee salaries, advertisement, and how much is necessary to wine and dine the passengers. Cruise line ships is also a great part of tourism. It is a great way to explore various countries in a matter of days and provides in-house hospitality. Tourism is a cash cow, with everyone willing to spend and travel to places they have never before seen, there will always be a high supply and demand. Whether it is travel, lodging, foodservice or recreation, tourism will never stop progressing. Promoters of tourism will never stop promoting, and it will always determine where we will go next.

  13. Dreagut1101 says:

    I found chapter 9 quite enlightening. It was about tourism and how the different types of transportation we have created has factored in on the growth and economy of hospitality. You have trains, cars, airplanes and cruises that created the movement of people and goods from one place to another spreading business and job opportunities all over the United States and the world. Hotels started to rise anywhere around airports and railways. Rental cars sprouted mostly around airports. This all made hospitality flourish in the job market.
    Also there was some explanation on airlines and the costs, and more importantly the fees, of running an airline. More than 5k airplanes soar over the United States alone in a day. The market is very competitive, one is always trying to win the business of the other by lowering their fares. But how low can one go without losing so much money. Because they do continue to lose money if their seats on the plane are full or empty. You have your standard, non-changing fees that you pay to land your plan at an airport, you have to pay for gas, etc. You have to pay for the same amount of gas each trip despite there being only a handful of customers or at full capacity. I have been learning in my Macroeconomics course about the supply and demand of airplanes and how the number of Boeing 767’s one company has relative to the number of smaller planes they have can affect the money they can be making or losing. How many of each will give an airline the optimum revenue they seek. I found it interesting how I can now make connections from my econ 1101 course to my studies in hospitality.
    There is also a segment about ecotourism. I didn’t know there was a name for it but there is. Ecotourism, tourism in exotic or endangered areas that are sensitive to its environmental and social needs of that habitat. And then on top of that creating awareness for the environment that the establishment has chosen to be in. I live to watch tree house shows and look at pictures online of exotic places that have amazing hotels in it that work with the environment instead of destroying it. You can build on or around a tree and have sustainable energy and food sources that will not harm the local community or ecosystem. I didn’t know there was a name until now. Who knows, perhaps I can find work in such a place.

  14. Anidetch says:

    This chapter begins by showing the importance of Tourism and how beneficial it can be to an area. Tourism is constant industry, meaning it never turns off. There are no holidays, no vacations and no closing. It is 24/7! There are great benefits to Tourism. Besides the fact you are able to showcase your location, it provides countless job opportunities for residents and brings in revenue that is extremely valuable. An aspect of this chapter that I thought was interesting was the Multiplier Effect. This was interesting to think about because in the Tourism industry, you really see how an individual’s dollar is used in every aspect. I was very interested learning about Ecotourism. I really like to hear about a type of tourism that can highlight the true parts of the area instead of commercializing it. I think this was a vital chapter in hospitality because there is so much more that goes into tourism than we realize. There are years of history and even more years to come. Tourism is a constant industry.

  15. Chapter 9 was quite the informative read. Basic aspects of tourism such as the benefits of being a tourist and how it affects other countries in the long run. Tourism is a large source of money for most counties in fact it is their largest form of income and thus GDP can be calculated based on this data. As the field known as tourism continues to grow so does opportunities to work in the field. I learned many new things upon reading the chapter such as the WTO. I had no idea that 8.8% of the worlds population works in that field alone. As tourism continues to advance so will the ability of make hotels, airports, etc more sustainable. New ideas can be implemented such as using solar power as an alternative to power or even paper-less tickets who knows what the future may hold in the tourism field but you can be certain that there will always be travelers and new ideas.

  16. jessica liu says:

    Chapter 9 summarizes tourism through in-depth descriptions of various elements and aspects of tourism. The chapter begins with a thorough explanation of the term “Tourism” from its meaning to history to impact on society. The chapter then goes into details on ways of travel, depicting a line of evolution from conventional ways of travel such as cars, rails, and buses to to modern day airlines and cruises. Not only does the slides list the various methods of travel, but also details the benefits and impacts that the method brings to consumers in terms of tourism. Continuing the topic of tourism, chapter 9 also illustrates social and cultural impact of tourism in regards to the economy. An interesting idea is that “tourism can have both positive and negative impacts on communities”. Moreover, it’s also interesting to know that tourism can be categorized into cultural, heritage, nature, culinary, and volunteer tourism. All of which are motivated by different values and perspectives. Nonetheless, the most valuable piece of information in this chapter is that it also summarizes a generic trend of tourism. This piece of information is extremely helpful in understanding tourism in today’s society and extremely beneficial in building expectations of tourism in the future.

  17. Adnan Ahmed says:

    In chapter 9, it introduces the advance of tourism and how it became the world’s largest industry. Development of technology, industry of tourism could be divided into five periods pre-industrial, the railway age, the automobile age, the jet aircraft age and the cruise ship age. In addition, tourism effects on the national economy that more investors are buying out by the day. Simple aspects of tourism such as the aids of being a tourist and how it affects other countries in the long run. Tourism has a great foundation of money for most counties in fact it is their main form of income and thus GDP can be calculated based on this data. 8.8% of the world’s population works in that field alone which seems outrageous to me.

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