Chapters 6 & 7 (due 4/6)

16 Responses to Chapters 6 & 7 (due 4/6)

  1. Ana says:

    Chapter 6 starts off describing the restaurant business which is a place to relax and enjoy the company of friends and family. The word restaurant comes from the French word meaning restore. The restaurant business is a multibillion dollar business employing 12.8 million people. The French revolution and Thomas Jefferson led the French chefs to North America. There are five mother sauces in French cuisine which are Bechamel, Veloute, Espagnole, Tomato, and Hollandaise. Nouvelle Cuisine is a lighter form of cooking it uses more natural flavors and ingredients. In order to be a good cook, chefs must have a strong culinary foundation, multicultural cooking skills, strong employability traits, and management skills. Also to become a successful chef menu development, sanitation/safety, accounting, computer training, food trends and practices for the new millennium are very important as well as working in teams. This chapter also explains what it takes to develop a restaurant which is by operating philosophy which represent the way the company does business, market which is composed of those guests who will patronize the restaurant, concepts which are created with guests in mind and should fit a definite market such as casual, children, formal, ethnic, etc. also location which should also appeal to the target market, and ambiance which a restaurant creates has both immediate conscious and unconscious effects on guests. The conscious is how guests react to the ambiance and the unconscious is the mood, lighting, furnishing and music. Menu planning is very important for a restaurant to flourish, many factors include needs and desire of guests, capabilities of cooks, equipment capacity, and layout, consistency and availability of menu ingredients, price, nutritional value, accuracy in menu, menu analysis, menu design, menu engineering, and chain menus. Also there are six types of menus that are mostly used such as A la carte menu, Table d’hote menu, Du Jour menu, Tourist menu, California menu, and cyclical menu. This chapter also talks about the different types of restaurant which involve the owners in day to day operations of the business and chain restaurant which are restaurant identical in market, concept, design, service, food, and name such as McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc. As well as fine dining, quick service, ethnic, family, etc. Chapter 7 discusses the restaurants organization and the different sections such as the front and back of the house. The front of the house has to deals with guest’s contact which the back deals with the food. The organizational chart shows us what the back of the house consist of and who the kitchen manager is in charge of as well as who the bar and dining room managers are in charge of. The front of the house is responsible for greeting the guests, servers must introduce themselves and offer a variety of beverages and/or specials and invite guests to select from the menu, which is known as suggestive selling which is important to increase food and beverage sales. It is important for the server to follow the seven steps in table service and to be clean, neat and organized. Predicting restaurant sales has 2 component, guest counts or covers which is the number of guests supporting the restaurant over a given time period and average guests check which is calculated by dividing total sales by the number of guests. Quality is very important to American diners because if good service and good quality food is provided it’s what sets it apart from other restaurants. Staffing and scheduling, training and development, production procedures, production sheets are all parts of the kitchen food production and are very important to the success of a restaurant. Also the back of the house should know and be comfortable with the employees in order to have a safe and successful work environment. The food cost control process shows us how restaurants operators set up a purchasing system, how they receive and store food, and how they budget to conduct a food cost analysis.

  2. Ana says:

    Chapter 6 starts off describing the restaurant business which is a place to relax and enjoy the company of friends and family. The word restaurant comes from the French word meaning restore. The restaurant business is a multibillion dollar business employing 12.8 million people. The French revolution and Thomas Jefferson led the French chefs to North America. There are five mother sauces in French cuisine which are Bechamel, Veloute, Espagnole, Tomato, and Hollandaise. Nouvelle Cuisine is a lighter form of cooking it uses more natural flavors and ingredients. In order to be a good cook, chefs must have a strong culinary foundation, multicultural cooking skills, strong employability traits, and management skills. Also to become a successful chef menu development, sanitation/safety, accounting, computer training, food trends and practices for the new millennium are very important as well as working in teams. This chapter also explains what it takes to develop a restaurant which is by operating philosophy which represent the way the company does business, market which is composed of those guests who will patronize the restaurant, concepts which are created with guests in mind and should fit a definite market such as casual, children, formal, ethnic, etc. also location which should also appeal to the target market, and ambiance which a restaurant creates has both immediate conscious and unconscious effects on guests. The conscious is how guests react to the ambiance and the unconscious is the mood, lighting, furnishing and music. Menu planning is very important for a restaurant to flourish, many factors include needs and desire of guests, capabilities of cooks, equipment capacity, and layout, consistency and availability of menu ingredients, price, nutritional value, accuracy in menu, menu analysis, menu design, menu engineering, and chain menus. Also there are six types of menus that are mostly used such as A la carte menu, Table d’hote menu, Du Jour menu, Tourist menu, California menu, and cyclical menu. This chapter also talks about the different types of restaurant which involve the owners in day to day operations of the business and chain restaurant which are restaurant identical in market, concept, design, service, food, and name such as McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc. As well as fine dining, quick service, ethnic, family, etc. Chapter 7 discusses the restaurants organization and the different sections such as the front and back of the house. The front of the house has to deals with guest’s contact which the back deals with the food. The organizational chart shows us what the back of the house consist of and who the kitchen manager is in charge of as well as who the bar and dining room managers are in charge of. The front of the house is responsible for greeting the guests, servers must introduce themselves and offer a variety of beverages and/or specials and invite guests to select from the menu, which is known as suggestive selling which is important to increase food and beverage sales. It is important for the server to follow the seven steps in table service and to be clean, neat and organized. Predicting restaurant sales has 2 component, guest counts or covers which is the number of guests supporting the restaurant over a given time period and average guests check which is calculated by dividing total sales by the number of guests. Quality is very important to American diners because if good service and good quality food is provided it’s what sets it apart from other restaurants. Staffing and scheduling, training and development, production procedures, production sheets are all parts of the kitchen food production and are very important to the success of a restaurant. Also the back of the house should know and be comfortable with the employees in order to have a safe and successful work environment. The food cost control process shows us how restaurants operators set up a purchasing system, how they receive and store food, and how they budget to conduct a food cost analysis.

  3. Meisa says:

    Chapter 6 is about restaurants and the restaurant business. The word restaurant comes from the French word meaning to restore, therefore it would only naturally fit that restaurants restore our energies so that we can enjoy our families and friends. Two main events began the culinary revolution in America: The French Revolution and Thomas Jefferson bringing his French chef to the white house when he became president.

    Chefs have to understand the six essential important skills of cooking: cooking, menu development, sanitation/safety, accounting, computer training, food trends and future learning experiences. In addition to these important skills a restaurant owner has to think of their carbon foot print as it relates to the food and energy output of the restaurant. “The average American meal has a shockingly large carbon footprint, usually traveling 1,500 miles to the plate and emitting large amounts of CO2.” Also restaurateurs have to think about, rent / lease costs, concept of the restaurant (theme), location, cuisine, utility costs to name a few.

    Chapter 7 addresses the front of the house, accounting, costs etc.
    It takes many people working as a team to help a restaurant function, from the owners, managers, servers, hostess/ host, bus person and of course the guest. The hostess/ host, or greeter is responsible for greeting the guests and the rotation of arriving guests among sections or stations. The job of the server is to introduce the menu to the guest and to suggestively sell items from the menu. There are seven steps to table service: Greet guests, introduce and suggestively sell beverages, suggest appetizers, take orders, check back after two bites, sell another drink, sell dessert and suggest after dinner drinks.

    Although the restaurant owner/ chef wants the guest to have an amazing experience in the restaurant they also want to make money. A budget must be made in which sales and costs for minimally the month and maximally a year must be made. Forecasting restaurant sales has two components: Covers and the average guest check.
    The guest counts or covers is the number of guests patronizing the restaurant over a time. The average guest check is calculated by dividing total sales by the number of guests

    The most important aspect of the kitchen is the line. The size of the kitchen, how it is used and placement of key kitchen equipment is key to the flow of food traffic in the kitchen. The kitchen is also set up according to what the customers prefer and order most frequently. Below is a breakdown of some of the costs associated with the restaurant business:
    Fixed costs : Fixed costs are rent/lease payments, interest, and depreciation
    Variable costs : Variable costs include payroll, benefits, direct operating expense, music and entertainment, marketing and promotion, energy and utility
    Food cost percentage (cost/sales × 100 = food cost percentage)

  4. Shuhong Wu says:

    Both chapter 6 and chapter 7 are talking about restaurant. Restaurant is a place to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends and to restore energy.

    In chapter 6 we can learn the classical cuisine in the United State. As the soul of a restaurant, a chef will need a strong culinary foundation, multicultural cooking skills and strong employability traits and additional management skills. We need to aim at the target market, ensure company concept, do the research on location and create prefect ambiance when develop a new restaurant. Restaurants can be classified into several groups such as fine dining, celebrity restaurants, steak houses, casual dining and dinner house restaurants, family restaurants, ethnic restaurants, theme restaurants, quick service/fast food, hamburger, pizza, chicken, sandwich restaurants, bakery cafĂŠ.

    In the beginning of chapter 7 restaurant operations, it introduces the front house and restaurant forecasting. The service which is one of the most important part of building a restaurant. Nowadays restaurant are using American Service: Food is placed onto plates in the kitchen, carried into the dining room, and served to guests. Front of the house restaurant systems can be divided into seven parts, Point-of-sale (POS) systems, Kitchen Display Systems, Guest Services Solutions, Wireless POS Systems, Labor Management, Financial Reporting and Personal Digital Assistants. Food production is including purchasing, cost control, budgeting, accounting and operating ratios.

  5. Dreagut1101 says:

    Restaurant Business and Restaurant Operations, the simple break down of a complex operation explained. These chapters were about what a restaurant business is and how it operates. Chapter 6 was more about the history of restaurant culture and how it has shaped the dinning experience of today. When we open ourselves to new trends we tend to take the original and evolve it into many sub-trends and this is proven when we look back at the past; diplaced chefs during the French Revolution ended up immigrating to the US bringing along their standards if cooking, their flavourful menu, and a strong sense of food culture. Thomas Jefferson brought back a french culinary chef to serve him and other poloiticians of power and influence. Of course word would have spread and then french food became a trend. Every restaurant we go to has been touched by the French’s culinary standards and trend and we don’t even know it. All the types of menus we encounter is based on the french culinary art. A la carte menu, dejour menu,Table d’hĂ´te menu; who hasn’t seen the special of the day menu? or the ordered two meats and a side at a chinese restaurant for a fixed price? Chapter 6 continued with menu planning which is key, without it you cannot run a successful restaurant. Then it went on about types of restaurant themes such as celebrity restaurants which reminds me of many of popular restaurants now that I think about it. You have the Wahlburg’s and their reality show the Wahlburgers and now their restaurants are more popular than ever. Hardrock Cafe has many locations and it was thought up by a partnership of celebritites.

    There are many types of resturants and part of deciding where to start a business and the theme is knowing the niche market in the area that you want as patrons. This chapter, Chapter 7, was about restaurant operations. It was about the breakdown of restaurant managers and employees. The steps a waiter/ess should take and why it is important for them to the CNO (Clean, Neat, organized); because they are the face of the business. Like a front desk or doorman, they give the guests an impression which will either make them come back or turn around and never come back. There were brief segments about the technology advances used on the floor and kitchen making order taking/recieving faster and efficient.
    I think most importantly the chapter talked about being organized and knowing the business well, making it efficient in how they placed things in the kitchen, knowing what is supplies and deliveries are needed/used, and knowing the the people they are catering to.

  6. D.Whyte says:

    Chapter 6 gives a lot of information on the restaurant business and what it is. It gives a breakdown on the many different types of restaurants such as family restaurants, ethnic, celebrity and many more. This chapter also gives additional information on what makes a particular restaurant successful. It mentions strategies used by many successful restaurants such as location, diversity or no diversity in menus, marketing, money management, ambiance, etc. Restaurants mentioned that display a successful strategy included; McDonald’s, Subway, KFC, (Chain fast food restaurants) Ruth Chris, and Morton’s (popular steakhouses). Menu planning in a restaurant is crucial to a restaurants success and longevity. Menus should be catered to a specific demographic.
    Chapter 7 gives a brief breakdown of how a restaurant operates, from front to back. In a restaurant, the front of the house consists of hostesses, bus persons, and servers. These are the people most likely to interact with guests. The back of the house are made up of the cooks, dishwashers etc. This chapter talks about the financial breakdown and the efficiency of the workers. Properly training the workers and staff are important as well.

  7. Anne Huang says:

    Chapter 6 talks about the restaurant business. The term restaurant comes from the French word meaning to “restore.” The restaurant business is place where people can relax, socialize and restore energy. People spend about 47.5% of food dollars away from home. A few of the most known contributors to cuisine are Mari – Antoine Careme and August Escoffier. In classical cuisine there are five mother sauces: Behchamel, Veloute, Espangnole, tomato, and hollandaise. In the restaurant business, chefs will need to have a strong culinary foundation, multicultural cooking skills and strong employability traits, and additional management skills. In order to become a professional chefs/ cooks, one must have culinary practices. There are six skill areas that are important to becoming a successful chef: cooking, menu planning, sanitation/safety, accounting, computer training, food trends and practices for the new millennium. One important factor in this restaurant industry is that things cannot be done alone, it is a team effort and need a team for businesses to run successfully. The main objectives in running a restaurant is make sure to have a successful concept. The concept should fit the location and the location fit the concept. Restaurants ambiance is also important because the atmosphere creates the emotions effects on guest, on how they feel. Lastly, menu planning has many considerations. The menu may be the most important ingredient in the restaurant’s success. Additionally, chapter 7 explains restaurant operations and positions in the restaurants. For example, people can be in “front of the house,” which includes anyone with guest contact from the hostess to the bus person. There are positions like general manager (opening and closing managers), back of the house, and front of this house. They are all equally as important.

  8. Shaina says:

    Chapter 6 focuses on the restaurant business, which is a place to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends. It begins with Classical Cuisines and how the French Revolution in 1793 gained its legacy. Mari-Antoine Careme and August Escoffier are two important people who made Classical Cuisine what it is. This is important because this is how other things were created. When developing a restaurant things like Operating, Menu Planning, Fine Dining, Celebrity Restaurants, Casual Dining, Ethnic Restaurants, Theme Restaurants and Fast Food, are all classifications, each one may vary. Individual restaurants are one or more owners who are involved in the day to day operation of the business. Chain restaurants comprise a group of restaurants with having a specific identity, like food, service, design and name. Different places can fall into more than one category depending on the restaurant. Each classification are pretty self explanatory its important to understand the restaurant concept for many reasons. The Demographics, Branding, Globalization, Shared locations and Diversifications.

    Chapter 7 focus on the restaurant operations and the daily business. It starts off with the front of the house which is the hostess or greeter, and servers. They are basically the first face the customer sees when walking into the establishment. They focus on the customer and make sure they are well taken care of so they can keep purchasing food. Then it goes on to discuss how the service of a restaurant should be, the quality and basic American service; which are plates in the kitchen carried to customers in a dining room. Then it talks about the Front of the House Restaurants (pos) Point-of-sale systems, Kitchen display systems, and Guest services solutions. These are important to keep the restaurant flowing the correct way. Then there are the back of the house systems. This includes inventory control, food costing, labor management and financial systems. These help the business stay effective and efficient. For example, the Food Cost Control Process helps the restaurant understand the daily needs like purchasing, receiving, storing and issuing, budgeting, accounting process, Operating ratios, Lease, Controllable expenses, Job analysis and recycling. All of these things have a valuable purpose within a restaurant and for students trying to get into this particular field must understand wh

  9. Nexmaury Gil says:

    Chapter #6, starts of by stating about the restaurant business including background of what made a restaurant and the type of culinary food types and methods are used by chefs in a successful kitchen. The chapter then goes into several categories for developing a restaurant. For example, the philosophy the restaurant is gonna focus one, the type of concept it would apply to the place, the audience the restaurant wants to attract through the market, to the location and menu of the restaurant which all can be major factors to the business and the style your restaurant is going to portray. Then, the chapter goes on to identify different restaurant classifications. Types of classification also relates with concept and atmosphere of a food place, whether they are for Fine Dinning, a family orientated restaurant or a ethnic culture based type of style of restaurant business. Based on the chapter themes can also be applied towards the way the restaurant serves food the types of food options and characteristics; like Cafe’s, Pizzerias, fast food etc.
    Chapter #7, focuses more on the front of house operations within a restaurant business. The chapter starts of the analyzing the specific jobs and duties of the staff, as well as introducing the ideal service the front of the house is known for. The chapter also states techniques used to improve or monitor the the amount of guest sales, like forecasting and suggestive selling. Front of the house and back of the house systems are then demonstrated in the chapter for view. Afterwards, were are introduced to food production in the kitchen, that focuses on exactly what it means with the food and staff using training practices to ensure constant and consistent productivity in the business. The chapter then goes on to the food purchasing and food control, that mainly involve suppliers, the type of budget the business has, pricing of menu items and the quantity of food the is bought and used. With all of the control comes storage, calculating the expenses and cost percentages of many areas.

  10. Cha says:

    The two chapters talk about restaurants. There are several components to consider. First one must decide where he/she wants to start up a restaurant. There are many types of restaurants from fine dining to fast food. The location is very important because the restaurant should fit in to the location. Environment that restaurant is providing to its guest matters in similar aspect. When type of restaurant, location, interior, and ambiance are decided, menu planning is still there to be decided. These do not necessarily in this order. One can have strong will in one of the component, and then he/she can start from it to work it out.
    Next chapter talks about work in restaurant from front of the house to back of the house. There is expected level of service in restaurants. Many countries use a type of service called American Service. An example of suggestive selling is when server recommends special menu of the week that’s not on the menu.
    To run a restaurant, it is important to manage production line. Managing chefs’ and employees’ schedule and training also help producing better quality. Having enough products is very important. Buying ingredients from vendor has to be in charge, and storing these inventories has to be done right.

  11. The restaurant business is one of the most valued assists within our society. The revenue generated within the restaurant business is within the billions. One of the most valued employees within the restaurant is the Chef(s). Chris combine the knowledge and skill they obtain to execute recipes that pleases their guests. A good chef knows his stuff, his palate is vast and he knows how to navigate ingredients and works with the season brining the best produce and poultry. Teamwork is crucial for the team as well as problem solving and leadership. Finance also goes a long way knowing what saves money is good for business. Culinary practices steams sanitation, safety, menu development, and of course cooking. When food leaves the kitchen you want it to be perfect with no sickest or incidents occurring. Food trends are one of the many things studied by chefs and restaurants, deciding what is new, or what is hip will attract more customers to the establishment. When building a restaurant there are many things to consider. For example what is the purpose of the restaurant or what is the mission? Are there any special concepts behind the restaurants. What is the location? where would you like to open it? All things point back to food, acquisition, and hospitality.

  12. Chapter 6 describes the restaurant business and the various roles within the business, describing to us the classical cuisines that we still use today. North America gained most of its culinary legacy from France through 2 main events, the French Revolution made French chefs migrate to North America and Thomas Jefferson brought a French chef to the white house during his presidency. It gives advice on food trends and culinary practices, chefs will need: a strong culinary foundation, multicultural cooking skills and strong employability traits, additional management skills. It gives us advice on how to become a successful chef in the culinary industry. It teaches us how to develop a restaurant form the ground up, detail operating philosophies, and objectives. It describes the restaurant market, concept, location, and ambiance in order to give specific details on successful restaurants. Chapter 6 details all of the successful aspects of how to build up your restaurant and what we need and how to achieve it if this is what we truly want to pursue.
    Chapter 7 details all of the restaurant operations, which includes front of the house, forecasting, types of restaurant service and suggestive selling. It tells us about all of the front of the house restaurant systems like the: Point-of-sale (POS) systems, Kitchen Display Systems, and Guest Services Solutions. Also back of the house restaurant systems like: Wireless POS Systems, Labor Management, Financial Reporting, and Personal Digital Assistants. Food production based on expected volume of business, the sales from the previous year gives a good indication of the expected volume and a breakdown of the number of sales for each menu item, the kitchen manager checks the head line cook’s order, which will bring the prep area up to the par stock for prepared items, and prep work is done prior to service times. Employee recognition is key in order to provide a better working relationship within employees. Purchasing is a big aspect of daily operations, product specification, par stock, and purchase order are all important in purchasing.

  13. Liqing gong says:

    Chapter 6 talks about the restaurant business. The restaurant business is a place to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends and to restore energy. The word restaurant comes from the French word meaning restore. In addition, it refers that that the chefs are the most important role in the restaurant. They need a strong culinary foundation, multicultural cooking skills and strong employ ability traits. Moreover, it is a teamwork to learn about the industry in culinary practice. To developing a restaurant, the most importing things are operating philosophy, market, concepts, location and Ambiance. Menu planning is considering to the most important ingredient in the restaurant’s success. Furth more, restaurant has classify in two main categories, independent and chain restaurants. Some restaurants may fall into more than one category, like, Taco Bell.
    Chapter 7 talks about the restaurant operations. The restaurant is manage by a general manager and it offers many positions for people. In front of the house, there are dining room manager to manage hostess, basepersons, servers. In the back of the house, there are kitchen manager to manage in the kitchen. They also has a bar manager, but these entire three manager are control by the general manager. The restaurant need to pay specific attention in food production, employee education, and cost control. When receiving the products, make sure the quantity, quality, and proce are exactly as ordered.

  14. Diana Zaro says:

    Chapter 6 talks about the restaurant business and its purpose. The restaurant business is a place to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends and to restore energy. The word restaurant comes from the French word meaning restore. It also mentions how chefs are the most important role in the restaurant. Chefs need a strong culinary foundation, multicultural cooking skills and strong employ ability traits. However, the industry in culinary practice functions with everyone in the kitchen participating in a team. To developing a restaurant, the most importing things are operating philosophy, market, concepts, location and Ambiance. Menu planning is considering to the most important method in the restaurant’s success because it’s the foundation the benefits the business. Restaurants has been classify in two main categories, independent and chain restaurants. Some restaurants may fall into more than one category, like, Taco Bell, FFC etc.
    Now, Chapter 7 talks about the restaurant operations which is the structure of the restaurant business. The restaurant is managed by a general managers. In front of the house, there are dining room manager to manage hostess, basepersons, servers. In the back of the house, there are kitchen manager and chefs to manage in the kitchen. They also has a bar manager, but these entire three manager are control by the general manager. The restaurant objective is to pay specific attention in food production, employee education, and cost control. To finalize, when dealing with products chapter 7 informs us to make sure the quantity, quality, and produces are as you ordered from a trust worthy supplier!

  15. Chapters 6 and 7 are all about the restaurant business, which is a multi-billion dollar industry that employs over 12 million people. In chapter 6, we learn about different culinary trends and cuisines, and how they were brought to North America. This chapter explains the different classifications of restaurants, as well as the importance of menu planning, marketing, concepts, location, and ambiance, in running a successful business. In chapter 7, we learn the ins and out of the restaurant business, from the front of house staff to the back of house staff and everything in between. This chapter explains to us the importance food cost control, quality service, budgeting, accounting, and employee recognition.

  16. Adnan Ahmed says:

    Chapters six and seven are all about the restaurant business, which is a multi-billion dollar industry that employs over 12 million people. In chapter six, we learn about different culinary trends and cuisines, and how they were brought to North America. In chapter seven, we learn everything about the restaurant business’s staff. Food cost control, quality service, budgeting, accounting, and employee recognition are high priority and are highlighted in these chapters. This chapter explains the different arrangements of restaurants, as well as the importance of menu planning, marketing, concepts, location, and ambiance, in running a successful business. The revenue generated within the restaurant business is within the billions. One of the most important employee is the chef or chefs. Teamwork is crucial from running the kitchen properly to solving problems and being organized and clean.

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