Chapter 1, pp. 29-46 (due 2/17)

15 Responses to Chapter 1, pp. 29-46 (due 2/17)

  1. Diana Zaro says:

    Chapter 2 was very much more informative, as it focused on the different types of hotels and income Information. At the beginning it inform us readers on the Franchisor. “The Franchisor offers many support services often including cash flow, marketing and advertising, site selection, construction plans, and assistance with financing”. This is very important to know because we get to learn how the hotel industries functions in the Economical front. Another great information this chapter informed us with was the different types of Locations and hotel functions. There’s so many different hotels and depending of there location or objective its set to have a unique function. For Example like a Resort is differently conducted from a Casino and of curse economically as well. i personally learn the best rating hotel as well in this chapter as like the Oriental Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand its rated as #1 in the world. In conclusion, the chapter finish off talking about Ownership’s among with the hotels populations, tax rates, and global economy involvement.

  2. Shaina says:

    Chapter 1 Pages 29-46
    This section focuses on the success hospitality can bring a person.
    It also talks about the Disney approach to guest services. It states their focus is to create happiness. Disney understands their product and the meaning of the brand. This is important in the hospitality industry because without understanding your brand, and market. You can’t run a successful business. This industry is all about the right approach, making eye contact, having respect and having great body language. These are some of the key factors Disney uses as well. As I mentioned in my previous chapter summary, this section discusses the career paths within the industry. It talks about leadership and what to expect. It focuses on how having experience is very important and how important setting career goals are. You have to work hard to get what you want. Overall this section explains the expectations. The trends it has to offer, the culture, the experience and the reason why this career would be a good fit for you.

  3. Cha says:

    There are two methods to maximize the quality of service. One is ‘Total Quality Management’ and the other one is called ‘Quality Control’. TQM works the best with good leader. TQM empowers each level of employees, which means let employees in each part of the service find how to meet the expectations and eventually perform better. QC is the method to review how the service has provided to find errors. I think the leader should do both methods. TQM is to be prepared to perform best service before, but QC should also needs to be practiced in order to find any mistakes that employees may have made.
    Disney has well guild lines for its employees to follow to provide good service for its guests. Employees must be well educated how to approach to guest and how to communicate with them as well. Leader should set clear expectations and standards. By informing and demonstrating to be exemplary leader. Keep on track of cast members’ feedback and giving them honest feedback is important aspect of a leader. Lastly, caring about members’ success is important. Recognizing success and celebrating will motivate others as well.
    Career in hospitality does not necessary means vertical path. Progression means advancing to different position. To get to general manager, one would likely to go through many different positions in order to have knowledges throughout areas. Experience is the key to become a general manager, whether it is in the kitchen or in hotel.
    In hospitality industry, we will be serving others. Our conducts will be effective. Since maintaining good image of ourselves is important, we must keep good GPA, active in the school departments, gain as much experience as possible, and be positive person.
    Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you to achieve our goal. Self-assessment is good start to make a career map.

  4. Ana says:

    This part of the chapter focuses more on the “Pineapple effect” it’s all about working together to create great service, such as the Disney approach their main goal is knowing, understanding, marketing, and promoting your brand to create happiness. They also focus on eye contact, body language as well as respecting all their guests; these are grate qualities to have in the hospitality business. This chapter also talks about what career path you wish to explore or consider, it’s all about working hard, gaining experience and being well rounded to progress in your field of work.

  5. Chapter 1: pages 29 through 46 describe the Disney approach to guest service. I’m guessing that most Hospitality businesses use Disney as a model to great guest services and an inspiration in keeping employees as much as the guest, happy. The Disney approach is simple, hire the right people to make the guest happy and work as a team, as well as being knowledgeable on the products being sold, understanding the history of the company and of course being rewarded for the good work, all elements in which I believe makes any business, especially the hospitality business successful. It also uses the Disney approach to determine the 5 steps of leadership, core values in which can make any leader into a great one if they stay focused. The chapter also tells us that we won’t always see pretty days in our career paths, there will be bumps along the way that can take you off track but we can always get back on what we accomplish to be in this world. The road to becoming the top dog in your workplace will be an adventurous one, meaning many different positions will be held before you can become a leader, that means a whole bunch of cross training in order to know how to handle various situations in various departments. We can become the best chef or the best hotel GM but we have to work hard for what want to become, nothing in this life is just given to us. The chapter also explains that we need to continue to make personal goals that we can try to accomplish, what our strengths and weaknesses are and what we need to improve on in order to achieve our goals.

  6. Adnan Ahmed says:

    Chapter 1 Part 2
    The Disney approach is simple, hire people that are able to deal with the rules to make the guest happy and have the employees work as a team, also most, if not, all, business have a lot of memorization and needs to be able to learn fast and efficient so they are able to fit in with the rest of the workers, fast and as smooth as possible. This industry is all about presentation, everything must be pleasant and cheerful for the customer to have best experience as possible. The chapter also explains that we should challenge ourselves every day, and give ourselves goals to achieve each day to better the work experience and feel a sense of accomplishment as we are working.

  7. Chapter 1 PP 29- 46
    TQM which stands for total quality management. QC stands for quality control. Both of these things have differences because TQM only focuses on error prevention and QC focuses on the detection towards to the error. When Disney hires people to work for them they are looking for people who are responsible and are able to follow rules. But most importantly is to be able to work as a team and treat the guest well. Disney has five steps towards leadership which are providing clear expectations and also to communicate their expectations through information.

  8. Anidetch says:

    Service in hospitality is such an important factor. There are many aspects that go into hospitality, but you never forget good or bad service. In this second part of chapter 1, you can see how stressed the importance of exceptional service is. “We buy loyalty with service.” Especially now, things like Yelp can really tarnish an establishment’s reputation. Not only can people talk by word of mouth about their experiences, but they are able to post it online for many others to read and make judgments. I enjoyed the part about the moments of truth. This chapter sheds light on how many little things the customers take note of ultimately show how they are responding to their experience. There are so many little things that can stick out in customer’s minds, that’s why everything needs to be 100%. Small things like the bathrooms not being stocked with supplies can be so grand to a guest that they don’t return to the establishment. There are many different type of management styles in general. Having a strong management team only helps those in different positions. Nothing can be accomplished fully when you aren’t on the same page. What I really liked about this chapter was Disney’s 5 steps of leadership. I think that his steps were firm and accurate. In this industry, and in general, there is no time to sugar coat things. If an employee is not performing to your standards, you have to explain why they are not and come up with a plan to change their performance. Sugar coating things will only hurt your establishment.

  9. Shuhong Wu says:

    Chapter 1 Part 2
    In this section, it introduces the service of Disney and all of us know how successful it is. It is a great model of hospitality industry. The reason why it becomes the top of the industry is their service policy. They try to make every customer participate in Disney World. They care customers. The most important thing for Disney is to hire the right people who have or accept the same working concept with them. At the end of this section, it presents how we can be successful in this industry. In the meanwhile, we should improve ourselves during study if we want to choose hospitality management.

  10. Meisa says:

    This chapter exposes us to the Disney Approach to hospitality and guest service. The Disney approach always begins with a warm smile. The employees are brand ambassadors for the Disney corporation. Disney tries to hire and retain the right employees for their company. These employees understand the meaning of the brand and how to convey this to the guest. The guest, for their part, must always feel the Disney magic. This magic must be internalized and valued by the employee, who conveys this tot he guest.
    Disney as a company has five steps to their leadership which is :
    to provide clear expectations
    communicate these expectations
    hold employees accountable for their actions
    foster feedback honestly
    recognize and reward.

    Aside from Disney, there are many varied opportunities in the hospitality industry and your path towards those jobs are not always straight, but if you network , join clubs and be hospitable you will be able to advance quickly.

  11. The second part of Chapter 1 begins by introducing a few methods with which you should use to be successful in the hospitality industry, including the Disney Approach and Total Quality Management. It all starts within the employees themselves, including the manager, and focuses on teamwork, good leadership, communication, and respect, as well as using proper body language and eye contact when interacting with guests. From then on, the chapter focuses on career paths and explains that it is better for you to have experience in many areas, also known as cross training, and this can be the key to moving up the ladder. Finally, the chapter ends by asking if hospitality is right for you. In order to determine that, you must do a self assessment, figure out your strengths and weaknesses, and get involved in professional organizations in order to determine and reach your career goals.

  12. Liqing gong says:

    Chapter 1 part 2 is talk about total quality management service focus on error prevention, and quality control on error detection. Also, it talks about how success is Disney approach. They made a service model for their employee, and made five steps of their leadership. Those service model and steps made Disney success. Further more, it talks about career, the most important is to gain experience in many areas to decide what career path you want to take. To get involved into the hospitality industry, we better to do good work experience, positive attitude and good GPA on campus.

  13. Anne Huang says:

    The second half of chapter one talks about how Disney is one of the main approach to great guest service because their mission is to “create happiness” for everyone. Some of the key elements of Disney guest services are, hiring the right people who understands their product and meaning of working for them, training leaders to be service coaches, measuring guest satisfaction, and etc. Another reason why Disney has remarkable customer service is because they respect and welcome all guests. They also teach their employees strong leadership skills such as providing clear expectations and standards, communicate the expectation through demonstration, information, and examples, hold cast members accountable for their feedback, coach through honest and direct feedback, and lastly, recognizing, reward and celebrate success. A way to get involve and start participating is to have self-assessment and personal philosophy to reach what our goals are. It is best to make a list of areas to make improvement so that we are eventually satisfied with the hospitality as our career path.

  14. jessica liu says:

    chapter one part two begins with a brief on TQM (Total Quality Management), which provides a glance of expectation of successful hospitality professionals. As an example, the chapter provides a successful guest service model known as “The Disney Approach to Guest Service”. It further portrays a standard of evaluation and solidifies how successful management translates to successful business. In conclusion, the chapter details into possible career goals and self-evaluations to help us determine whether the industry is the right fit for us. Guidelines on how to be proactive in the industry was also explained at the end of the chapter.

  15. The second half of the chapter uses the amusement park giant Disney as an approach to customer service and what it means to better help customers. Communicate is the number one key when being hospitable to others, as well as body language. TQM is a healthy approach to team building and customer service. Great ideas and strategies can be compared improving customer service and problem solving. Outreach and volunteering are good ways to become more refined in the field of hospitality. Get involved in organized groups and explore trends. Upholding a good academic standing is also a must, having a good standing and help you in the hospitality world, a good resume can open many doors as well as experience in various fields.

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