Monthly Archives: November 2019

Jill Keller

Jill Keller is a photo stylist who’s also a City Tech graduate, has captured several food moments, from raw ingredients, to amazingly created dished. One of the photographs that caught my attention the most is the first one from her Pasta album. As soon as I saw this photo, I imagined a whole scenario. This takes place in the country side. A family of 4, the parents and two sisters. They are having a gathering because it is the younger girls’ birthday and she did not want a party, only a small gathering with her parents where they could enjoy their mothers homemade cooking and talk about what careers they want to pursue in the future. Their mothers’ specialty is pastas. As she was creating the pasta, her oldest daughter wanted to capture this moment right before her mother mixed the dry ingredients with the wet ones. She thought to herself, “the best of both worlds”. The flour, the salt and the raw eggs, in general don’t make the photograph appetizing, but what does make the photo appetizing is the fact that the viewer knows that the results from these ingredients mixed together will create fresh and delicious pasta. Nothing compares to handmade pasta. It’s nothing like buying pre-made pasta which who knows how long has been sitting in a plastic bag for. What makes this image look like it’s telling a story is the fact that it is not a crisp steady image. The hands, specifically the left one, is out of focus which makes the viewer think that it was taken while the subject was actually making the pasta. The lighting is well used because we can see that there is light coming from the left side which is causing for there to be soft shadows around the right side of the bowls where the egg shells, eggs and salt are.

Inspiration Jill Keller

This photo by Jill Keller is from the section on her site called “Jello”. The photo just consists of a bunch of fruits, jello, ice etc. on a tray but the thing that makes it interesting is that they are all color coordinated and sectioned. The thing that makes the food in this photo look appetizing to me is the fact that there is a variety of shape, color and size of the fruit ice and jello. You can see the kiwi for example sliced open and seeing all of the inside parts of it and next to the broken up jello and fruit mixed in with each other. The overall look and composition of this photo looks very appetizing and refreshing. Some of the props for this photo like the ice and the tray for example add to the refreshing look of this photo. It makes the fruit and jello combined feel fresh and more appetizing and helps tells the story of the photo being appealing. I think the choice of color coordination of the fruits was a smart choice by the photographer and really brings out the composition and the feeling of it being appetizing. I feel like color coordination is very nice and flows well together rather than if the fruit was spread randomly without any coordination.

Jill Keller

From looking at Jill Keller’s page, I was fascinated with the great pictures she took. My favorite series from her website was the Burgers. From the series, this burger was my favorite from the rest.

From the looks of the picture, the picture tells a story. The story that I get from the picture is that this burger is possible from a restaurant. The clue that helps me see that is from the add on she placed in the pictures. When I say add ons, I mean the fries and drink. I give me a feel as if this is a combo or his burger works well with these add ons. The add ons works for the burger because they go well together and makes me want it even more.

What makes the food look so appetizing is how much detail was captured. Every ingredient is well caught in the picture, from how vibranT the lettuce and tomatoes are to how well the cheese is melting on the burger. The small details bring life to the bigger picture.

I also love the props that were used in this image. Keller used a lot of props that helped bring the burger alive. She used plates, napkins, sauces and even as something as a beer cap. The beer caps add to the story of being able to enjoy this burger with dinner. It helps build the burger.

Keller did a great job shooting the burger. Though it loaded with a lot of props I feel that it works well. It brings character to the burger.

Insperation #8 – Jill Keller



The photograph tells the story of someone’s hard work making different types of pasta that are ready to be cooked and served. In the photo you see black pasta, whole grain pasta, ravioli, farfalle, and more. While it is not technically cooked, it still looks appetizing because it simply looks freshly made. Like you want the person who’s making it to be done with it so you can eat some freshly made pasta. The props used are a molder and/or cutter, a paddle of sorts, flour and a rag. They contribute to the story because these would be items used to make and prepare the pasta. And to clean everything once the preparation is done. Similarly, the props in the photo make the pasta look like it was just finished and ready to be cooked, boiled or what ever. One thing that that the photographer added to make the photo a more of a success the lighter pasta pop out against the dark background. Even the black pasta stands out from the darker background because of the flour sprinkled on it. Also the top done view is a nice touch because you can everything laid out on the table. Additionally, this may be a bit of a stretch but it would appear that the photograph follows the rules of third, I say that because if you divide the photo the quadrant in the left side has the most thing going on, with the black pasta, whole grain pasta, the farfalle, the oval shaped pasta, and bits of flour are at. In most cases that is where the eye would go first.