Where I’m From, We Eat … By: Diana Kilby Inspired By: Willie Perdom


       If I said I was from Russia, where winters are long, cold and snowy, where New Year is the biggest holiday of a year with a huge tableful continuing for a couple of days, would you know where I’m from? Where I’m from we eat pelmeni. Pelmeni can be called Russian dumplings or ravioli. It is a piece of thin uneven dough filled with ground meat. It can be pork, beef, chicken and even lamb. There are manufactured and homemade pelmeni. For my family it was never a choice I refused to eat pelmeni from a supermarket because they never taste the same as my mom’s homemade pelmeni. It was a family tradition to make pelmeni almost every month especially during wintertime. Every member of my family had to do something. My dad prepared ground meat usually it was a mix of pork and beef with some onions, garlic, white bread and an egg to make it sticky. My mom did dough I always thought it is the most difficult part because dough has to have a very particular consistency. As for myself I did little balls from minced meat then all three of us put the ingredients together. When all the preparations were done my mom boiled pelmeni in a salty water and we had a big dinner.  There are so many things I love about pelmeni but most of all I love to eat them.  




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