ENG 1101 - OL10

A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Did you miss Library Day this morning? You can STILL GET CREDIT!!!

Watch one of the videos and write a quick summary as a reply and you will get credit for attending Library Day!

The College buildings are closed, but the City Tech Library is open 24/7 online:


Everyone can access short library video tutorials to learn how to connect from off campus, find books and articles, cite your sources, and more:


If its your first time using the City Tech Library, watch this web comic to learn about how libraries support your research:


Have a topic but aren’t sure how to get started with your search?  Develop your research strategy:


Choose a database:


When you find an article you want to download, you’ll log in with your CUNY First ID.

Learn how to evaluate online sources of information in:


Learn about the different types of academic information sources in the Library and how to find them:

Finding ebooks:


Learn about Academic Sources:


Another way to view all of the library tutorials is via our You Tube channel:


The ENG 1101 research guide is here:


The Citation and Formatting guide offers annotated bibliography help:


When you have questions, you can chat with a librarian anytime.  Ask a Librarian chat is available 24/7 at cityte.ch/askus or from the Library website.  We welcome all questions related to library research, library access, electronic resources, and more.



James Baldwin, “A Talk to Teachers” (1963) Raoul Peck, I Am Not Your Negro (Baldwin documentary)

Unit 2 Project – POST A BRAINSTORM ABOUT YOUR TOPIC —- Why does it matter to you?

Come to library day Wednesday at 11am and learn about engaging with secondary sources; annotated bibliography and research methods discussion; genre awareness continued…

·       Write a brief (1 paragraph) letter to our class about your proposed topic for Unit 2: what it is, why you’re interested in it, what you think or know about it already, and some potential questions you have. Include a preliminary list of sources in different genres that you plan to consult

·       Respond to 2 classmates’ poems on OL

·       Read at least two of your colleagues’ proposals, and comment on them. Think about the kind of feedback that might be helpful to you as you embark on this project (narrowing down topic, possible source suggestion, something you find cool or interesting about the proposal).

·       Read and consider your proposal feedback but keep in mind you as the author retain ultimate control over the direction you pursue

·       Watch Baldwin documentary I Am Not Your Negro (available on Kanopy, free with your City Tech ID card #)

·       For OL: What are two quotes you found important in Baldwin, and why?

Library Day Wednesday at 11

Bring your questions about UNIT 2!!! This is your chance to ACE that project!


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Topic: Berit Anderson Edelson’s Personal Meeting Room

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Topic: Berit Anderson Edelson’s Personal Meeting Room

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October 11 Assignments

Week 8 – 10/11

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  You are completing your first big project for English 1101 this week!  Great work!  I am so proud of you!!


WE ARE BEGINNING Unit 2: Reflective Annotated Bibliography (Good Trouble)

Readings and Videos for the week:

Willie Perdomo, “Where I’m From” (1996)

John Lewis, CCNY 2019 Commencement Speech

John Lewis, “Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation

To Discuss and Consider:  Defining and distinguishing our own voice; discussion of literary and poetic devices; genre.
·       Read Perdomo, “Where I’m From” and watch Def Poetry Jam
·       Work on your own “Where I’m From” poem and post to OL
·       Watch Congressman Lewis’s City College speech and read his editorial. What did you learn? What is your own “good trouble?” Post your thoughts on OpenLab
RESPOND TO ONE OTHER PERSON’S POST and respond when someone comments on your post! (talk to each other!)


The next Unit will rely heavily on what you have learned during Library Day so please try to make it!!!


Berit Anderson Edelson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Berit Anderson Edelson’s Personal Meeting Room

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Meeting ID: 938 341 6955
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abC4rRTmnW

Dirty Filthy Writer’s Block… and how to stop it in its stupid, mean-hearted tracks.

Alot of people feel like writer’s block is something you just have to power through, but I’ve never found that worked for me. I find being brave and doing it anyway just feels stinky and frightening and makes me more blocked the next time I show up to write.

So I came up with a game that makes the writer’s block go away so that I don’t have to power through something that, when you think about it, is self-generated and therefore just as powerful as I am and therefore, I cannot really defeat. (Picture Superman and Bizarro Superman spinning in a death grip into the bottom of an abyss…not fun.) Instead, I made friends with writer’s block.

I say, Ok, you win, WB, I’m not going to work on that project right now. Instead, I’m going to read the prompt for the project (assignment, book, etc) and then I’m going to write whatever comes into my head on that topic for two minutes straight.

For that two minutes, I am not allowed to stop writing. I am not allowed to look up. I have to keep the pencil moving or the keyboard tapping. What’s more, I am not allowed to judge my writing at all.


After two minutes, I get a cookie or a cup of coffee or, if I’m lucky, a cannoli. (God I love cannolis).

Then I set my timer again for SEVEN WHOLE HORRIBLE MINUTES.

And I write and write and write. I write anything that comes into my head even if it isn’t about, in this case, an experience with education. If I have to resort to writing, gee I can’t think of what to say, then that’s what I write. It doesn’t matter as long as I’m practicing letting it rip —

Because if it do this every day, it isn’t long before I’m lighting up the page, skating across it, making that magic happen. Instead of trying to come up with something to say, I am trying to get my ideas down fast so I don’t forget any!!

Once I’ve done that for a few sessions, I take a break. And I read the nonsense I’ve written. Often times it is filled with silliness! But then I find those nuggets… and a nugget of gold is worth the whole filthy mining process, isn’t it? I mean, if you come up with a bucket of gravel and dirt but oh there’s that one nugget of gold, well that’s worth the whole trip, isn’t it? I mean no one complains, when they find gold, that they also found gravel. That would be ludicrous!!! Of course you found gravel, people would shout! Everyone has gravel! But not everyone has the gold!!!

But wait, there’s more.

Now you copy those good ideas down careful.

The time Ms. Sharp wouldn’t let me play with the feather ostrich.

The time my best friend cried in my arms because she had failed Algebra for the 3rd time.

The time I went to that nice calm tutor in the library and she helped me and I wasn’t sure how she’d done it.

And then I have my ideas for what I’m going to write about and a little outline to go with it. Because all that is missing for it to be a “proper” outline are those silly roman numerals.

Why I Became a teacher Essay (Education Narrative)

I. Ms. Sharp wouldn’t let me play with the feather ostrich marionette.

II. My best friend cried in my arms because she had failed Algebra for the 3rd time.

III. I went to this nice calm tutor in the library and she helped me and I wasn’t sure how she’d done it.


Week 7

POST Unit 1 Rough Draft and respond to one other student’s draft

Discussion of revising and proofreading. How can a piece of writing be improved? What does it mean to revise? Revision components: argument, structure, development, grammar, word choice, sentence structure. What does it mean to proofread?

· Share draft with peer reviewer
· Use feedback to revise draft and prepare final version with cover page reflection


REMEMBER you are writing stories or one story about your education. Show me a movie, don’t give me a talk…




Please email it to me and post it on Open Lab under UNIT 1.

If you need more time, that is OK!  We are all working together and I understand if you got off to a bumpy start.  The important thing is you’re here now and doing the work.


Week 69/27


No Classes 9/28; Tues. 9/29 =Mon. schedule

 Unit 1 Outline due (post to OL)

Mike Rose, “I Just Wanna Be Average” (1989)


Jamila Lyiscott, “Broken English/ I’m Articulate” video


Discussion of quote integration and quote sandwich; assignment formatting; titles

·       Use your outline to generate a rough draft of Unit 1 Project·       Schedule Week 7 writing conference with professor and with tutor (Margo)

·       Read Rose text and watch Lyiscott video

·       Annotate each text online, in a printed hard copy, or in a notebook. Attach a photo or screenshot of a favorite section of your notes. In your accompanying post, explain what you found interesting about this section or quote.

·       On OpenLab, consider what the 2 texts have in common with each other. What are some important ideas from each text, and what do you think about them? How does each author illustrate their main points?

Accessibility Statement



Accessibility Statement:

City Tech is committed to supporting the educational goals of enrolled students with disabilities in the areas of enrollment, academic advisement, tutoring, assistive technologies and testing accommodations. If you have or think you may have a disability, you may be eligible for reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments as provided under applicable federal, state and city laws. You may also request services for temporary conditions or medical issues under certain circumstances. If you have questions about your eligibility or would like to seek accommodation services or academic adjustments, you can leave a voicemail at 718 260 5143, send an email to Accessibility@citytech.cuny.edu or visit the Center’s website at  http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/accessibility/ for more information.

Technical Difficulties

Hi Students.

I was having some technical difficulties and didn’t see some of your posts.  I am so sorry.  I am going through them now and replying. Wow do they look great!  Good work.

Also, make sure to comment on each other’s work.


Prof. Edelson


To everyone who posted thoughtful comments and attended the coffee chats, EXCELLENT participation.  I’m so proud of you.

Next week, please go to at least one office hour if possible, read the Unit 1 project and get started on it and post your work on OpenLab.

Whenever I have something to write, I set my timer for 7 minutes and write whatever comes into my head about the subject.  The only rule is, for those 7 minutes, I can’t stop writing!!!  I must keep them pen moving!  (Or just keep the keyboard clacking!!!!)


I can’t wait to read your work.

Also, apparently this semester the department is VERY SERIOUS about posting all work on OpenLab and not submitting it to me via email. I’m so sorry.  I know this goes against what you were told (by me–who’s blushing now?) just last week!  Yikes.  But apparently if you want, you can keep your posts private, so I hope that helps a bit.

Next week office hours are Monday at 9:30 and Wednesday at 11AM.  Bring coffee! Bring donuts!

See you then!!!

Also, if you can’t make either of those sessions, please let me know!  Thanks.

English 1101Co: First Day

Hi Everyone,

WELCOME!  Here are your First Day responsibilities:

  • Register for OpenLab and request membership to our course site
  • Create free New York Times account
  • Look around our course site  and explore the different tabs. This is our classroom for the semester. 
  • Check out Course Info, where our  WEEKLY SCHEDULE for classwork and homework lives.
  • Check out my introduction! https://vimeo.com/450881886. Here’s a video walk through our course site so it’s clear how to participate in our class, and where to find everything you need. https://vimeo.com/450890948
  • Write your own Introduction post (be sure to categorize it as INTRODUCTIONS) by clicking on the + sign at the top of our site.  Say a little about yourself. Add a picture that means something to you, and explain why you chose it. Include one word that describes how you’re feeling about this course as we get started. Talk about your hopes, worries,  and any questions related to our class, college, and being an online student.
  • Fill out the technology and access survey BELOW
  • Fill out the Doodle poll on your availability to attend office hours –click here for poll: https://doodle.com/poll/xtbr2vunw7rrax6h https://doodle.com/poll/xtbr2vunw7rrax6h
  • Check back in to see what your classmates are saying, and reply  to a couple of people.

We are all in this together! I look forward to meeting you and working with you.

Student Survey

Please tell me about the technology and working space that you have available to complete your coursework.  Feel free to share any additional information in the last question box. All responses are private.

Student Survey

  • Credits: This survey is based on a survey created by Maura Smale and Mariana Regalado.

Julian Martinez Unit 3 Final

Julian Martinez

12/22/20 Artist statement


I decided to make an infogram to look like a pamphlet of being introduced to video gaming and its benefits. The genre I chose included a lot of images to clearly express who should play video games and what are the benefits. I personally love my connection with video games since I was a child and I thought clearly sharing my experiences and gains will help nonvideo gamers find interest in this world of technology. During this terrible year of 2020 filled with coronavirus and stress, I realized what people can do while at home to have entertainment but also have educational, mental, and physical benefits. Play video games, of course, this world of technology inspiration and creativity would be the best choice to get this year off of people’s minds while enjoying themselves. So I decided to create an infogram, this infogram includes many reasons why video games are good for everyone such as the elderly, teens, children, and adults. Along with that included reasons why video games are good for you and what they offer such as improving the player’s memory skills. Who wouldn’t like to have a better memory? After all, with better memory, anyone can figure out certain solutions to things they would not have known before. And an improvement of physical skills while playing video games, you wouldn’t need to travel to the gym then pay for a membership to work out. As I reflect on my project if I had the ability I would advertise it worldwide online right now to help as many people as possible in these terrible times. 




Portfolio and reflection

This semester was really hard for me, i didn’t have any motivation to do anything since it was a remote learning and its online.It was also really hard for most students since college is really expensive and people that don’t have any laptop and it’s really important to own a laptop if you are in college because they ask for many things,Students also have been through tough times,losing the ones you love can be really hard on anyone and trying to protect your family could be also hard and exhausted if you are the oldest and they only have you.I get really dizzy if i stayed couple hours on my laptop and i find it really hard to finish any of my assignments and i try to finish them on time and fast.I feel like that no matter what we are going through we have to fight it together and to keep motivating each other and never lose hope.I tried my best to do every work i possibly can do and i added all my effort and hope in it.


My favourite assignment to do was unit one when we started talking about our personal experience with education, and i think that i talked about how i feel about education and how that we always saw it as it is something boring nd that we don’t need it and that we would be better without it.during quarantine you had plenty stuff to do and especially reconnecting with your parents and siblings again,i was really open when i was talking about my journey with education and it was really hard for me to get some stuff but i had it managed and i did my best to get everything.In the assignment I addressed the way my actions and interests changed due to the changing world and the culture at school,. A comparison between the work I did previously in the semester and the time I did later is that in all the tasks I demonstrated imagination.


After completing some of the lessons we had, there were several important lessons I have gained. After watching the documentary “I Am Not Your Negro,” I knew not only what, but what James Baldwin stood for. I saw how ridiculous it is that people continue to fight for fundamental human rights these days and face the same problems. As roles and genres change, I have been able to extend my ability to investigate and gather crucial data and knowledge about my subjects.For unit 3 it made do research about multiple things that i found really interesting and i also thought of the audience and what can be an issue that everyone is facing right now and i really wanted to talk about it,because most people just ignore the huge stuff that are the real problem and start focusing on some small things that won’t even make a difference whether it was still there or not.i tried to make it really simple and i tried explaining every point so that no one goes through any confusion.I felt like this semester was stressful in terms of all the courses we had to complete and plan for, but I managed to resolve this by administering my time and taking advantage of my environment. I do believe that numbers don’t determine my character nor my importance in the grand scheme of things, but I think it’s still necessary to do your best in something that you want to do, but I’m not sure that the number of people can dictate my personality or my value in the big scheme of things.

Week 5

Jade Wearing

Week 5

My experience with education can be seen as both positive and negative. I believe that education is very important and useful but I also believe that not everything a person learns or may learn is important and relevant in their lives. There were times where I have done really well in classes that I was most interested in and enjoyed being in, and there were times where I have done very poorly in the classes that I didn’t find interesting or relevant to me and what I wanted to do and didn’t take it seriously. There was also a point of time where I was getting teased a lot in school which impacted the way I was and the way I performed in school. During these tough times, I turned to something positive which helped me get through it, and it this case it was video games. With the help of video games in my life and my love for playing them, getting through school was so much easier and better for me which was and is a major factor on how I view school and education.

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