Journal 9th Entry – Mohamad

This week I came to work so happy knowing that I have design work to do. As I mentioned last week, the project that the director gave me was Property Registration flyer. It is a flyer that HPD delivers to owners only, informing them that they have to register their property at HPD each year. This registration cost $13 and it is a form that contains contact information of the owner each year, so HPD can keep track of who is the owner and notes if there are any change, in order to know who to talk to when a report is made or a violation happens. This flyer contains a lot of information, but this is the main idea behind it. From a design perspective, it was a little challenging because HPD had a Property Registration flyer before, but the director told me that she needs to add about ten questions and answers to that flyer. So I had to change the size from a full letter page folded in four like an accordion, into a full letter folded in half and stapled like a booklet. I finished the design so fast with all the information in it and sent the first draft to my supervisor Ron who sent it to the director. I am waiting for the feedback next week so I can make any changes she asks about.

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