Humberto MV (Journal entry 9)

Finally back to a working flow at bridge agency. It feels like I haven’t left since the summer. My first assignment back was to take a look a footage that the creative director took from a party on St. Patrick’s Day. I had to pick shots in the clip and cut them up in adobe premier, then from those clips I had to put them together into a music track and create like a montage music video of the event. Later during the week my second task was to create a logo for their upcoming web series brand building. The name is still a work in progress, but I was tasked to come up with ideas for the logo. I had to use my time wisely in switching between finishing the video and creating the logo.

One thought on “Humberto MV (Journal entry 9)

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Humberto,
    As I commented in entry #5, you must write between 250–300 words each week, providing your readers with more information. Also pay attention to the rules about capitalizing proper names such as Bridge Agency and Adobe Premiere. In the future, please send one entry each week, rather than sending five at a time.


    Professor Mason


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