Humberto MV (Journal Entry 1)

Today was the first day of the class. It is weird that the class only meets once every two weeks. Hopefully I don’t forget that I don’t have class next week. From now until next week I will be preparing my cover letters and resume to send to potential employers looking for an intern to work with them. To be frank I don’t really know where to start looking for internship or which site is more reliable to get an internship. I am going to have to rely on Google. Looks like Google will be my friend for the internship search. At least professor Mason gave us a list of potential internships to start off and have as back ups. I am going to try and find an illustration or motion graphics internship, as those are the positions that most interest me in learning more of. Another back up I have is my old internship at bridge agency I did during the summer. Lets see how this week goes with the internship search.

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