Journal #8 Josephine Woods

The week of March 16th – March 20 was even more busy than last week

On March 16th; I continued to look for at least seven new non-profit organizations so I can create apps for based on their website and what their needs are. I finally find one its called What they do is collect baby gear, and clothes and money people who want to either get rid of their old baby things or just want to donate new baby things, and they give to homeless families, families in shelters and very low income families. I choose this organization because I love what their branding, website I especially love what they represent and they do.

On Tuesday March 17th; I was mapping out layouts and content seeing whats the most important thing that should be on the mobile app that really important to the organization. I can up with four tabs How to give, who they are and what they do, fatherhood and news and events.

On Wednesday March 18th; I was going through the different layout choices on the New York App Designers website and found one I thought would fit their brand. After I picked out the layout design, I started on the actually design in PhotoShop.

On Thursday March 19th; I continued to work on the designs for the mobile app. So far I have a created a background, I used their logo because you should never changed the clients logo unless they say so.

On Friday March 20th; I changed the whole layout design. I didn’t like the way my design was coming out, so I changed it. Now I have more circles than squares, and i still just have the logo. By Monday I should have my design completed.

One thought on “Journal #8 Josephine Woods

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Josephine,

    This sounds like another very interesting and useful project that addresses a serious problem. I’m sure that all your readers are looking forward to seeing what you design and how it helps connect people who want to donate items, with families in need. My basic advice is to write shorter sentences and check for minor errors in punctuation and spelling. If you’d like a more detailed analysis I can meet with you during my office hours (Tuesday and Thursday 5-6pm).


    Professor Mason


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