Journal #5 – Brian Rubio

I have been designing T-shirt and tank top ideas for the shop to be presented to the boss for further review. Coming up with fresh new ideas all the while remaining true to the shop persona has been a bit difficult. The shop caters to all martial arts so creating a design that is more generalized and easily used across the board is tricky. I’m very happy that I’m being trusted/tested to come up with something because essentially this is what I want to do. I have already handed in a couple designs and I’m waiting on an answer from the boss to see if he likes them. Once he finalizes I will be able to show the class. Other then this, I have continued with the scheduling of models and also have been given the responsibility to handle the ordering and reordering of apparel from printers. Speaking to these printers has been an experience in itself. I have been learning about the differences between screening and pressing, price break-downs, turn around times, and cost per color. It is taking me some time to learn these points and feel comfortable talking about them but everything in due time.

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