Journal 4th Entry – Mohamad

In my 2nd entry, I mentioned that the “ABC of Housing” booklet was ready, and sent to the print shop to print. I was so excited to see how the work is going to look when its published, yet I was a little concerned, because last week I couldn’t be here, and they had to make a couple of changes to the text before printing. So when I arrived to the department, I went straight down to the print shop to check the work. Once I got there and saw the type of paper they were printing with, my concern increased ten times. I was afraid that if they used this paper, it will definitely affect the legibility of the text. When I saw the booklet, I didn’t want to open it because they definitely approved my concerns and used the thin see-through paper, but my excitement got over my concerns and I opened the booklet and started going through the papers. The design seems to be the same until I noticed that the changes they did to the text affected the proportions that I was working so hard and precise to perfect them. The thing that I noticed the most is that in some pages, they had to bring the text so much to the bottom of the page until it nearly touched the page number. I found a lot of visual mistakes that a designer would notice, but the normal reader wont. I wasn’t so happy with the result of this project that took 6 months of design and redesign based on the constant changes they had to make to the content, but I am happy that I learned a very good lesson, that a designer shouldn’t let anyone touch his work because it will change the whole vision of the project, and always keep track of the work personally until it is printed.

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