Journal #3 – Brian Rubio

Work has definitely picked up since my last post. We are preparing for the spring and summer lines so the organization of shoots must be started now. Models are being booked and locations are being scouted. I think my favorite part of the job right now is the scouting. I get to walk around the city which I normally would not do on my own and look for unique locations for both full body shots and tight close ups. I like to sketch out where exactly I’d like the model to stand or be in the shot. I also visualize how the area would look when it’s not covered in snow. Other then the walking around I have some time to think about how I can further the business of the shop through advertising. I take all the aspects into consideration especially the shops demographic. I have to put myself into their minds and try and get a feel for what would catch their attention.

Overall I’m extremely excited for the upcoming months. I know we are going to have a busy season.

One thought on “Journal #3 – Brian Rubio

  1. Joel Mason

    This is quite interesting. As a reader, I’d like more information an actual location you might have used and how it worked out. Where could I see how the final shot looked? Was it on a website or in a print ad?
    You also write well. Your sentences are short and clear. I’d recommend you include more detailed descriptions of projects in future posts.

    Professor Mason


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