Dom Padon Media Share 3

Skynet Was Here. Or, Contemporary Life Under Inhuman… | by John Bjorn  Nelson | Artifex Deus

After reading Dayna Tortorici’s My Instagram where she discusses her gradual addiction and dependence on the Instagram app, the idea of Skynet and how it affects those in the Terminator universe popped into my head. It’s weirdly similar how her problems with identity dependence due to app addiction mirrors the same dependence on technology that allowed Skynet to become the technological behemoth that John Connor faces in the future.

When Tortorici was detailing how drastically her life changed because of technology, the only thing that clicked in my head was how the Terminator universe was forever changed when Skynet became self-aware and nuked the world to hell. The magnitudes of these two events aren’t nearly the same, but stripped down to the bone, these events aren’t really different at all. Life for both Tortorici and 3 billion people were changed due to technology, and that’s as clear as the comparison gets. Tortorici’s dependence on the app led her to experiencing Instagram subcultures, life changes and made her see how different life is being shown in order to cater to Instagram audiences, while humanity’s dependence on computer systems led to the near-destruction of their world and species, and made them have to fight for their very lives and future.

It’s also really interesting and a bit scary how the trackers in Instagram and other similar media like Facebook view photos and human lives the way Terminators view their surroundings. Instagram image recognizing data is listed in basic detail such as “1 person, smiling, text”, and  “night, sky, outdoor”… that’s SERIOUSLY and creepily close to the way Terminator data is shown to be processed as depicted in the movies: “Scan Mode: Analysis Complete. Fit Match: 100%”, “Target Acquired. Analysis: Series 1000 Terminator Prototype”.  It makes you wonder what would happen in real life if we developed our technology sufficiently enough to be close to Skynet. Are we capable of such feats? Should we even attempt to try? The way technology is advancing nowadays really makes you wonder if the science fiction books about technology leading to conflict are really just science fiction…

Maram Awadh Media Share 3  

I chose this article for this weeks media share because it relates to Dayna Tortorici’s “My instagram.”As fun as Instagram is, its a very toxic place and can affect your mental health and wellbeing. These posts your constantly seeing can set unrealistic expectations and create feelings of low self-esteem, you might not feel like its doing anything but if your constantly on instagram and following these influencers, eventually it will get you thinking that there better than you and that there life is so called “perfect” but in reality thats not the case. In this weeks reading, we can slowly see how instagram affected her. When she first started using instagram, she thought it was innocent and she only followed people she knew but after awhile she began following fitness gurus and other influencers that posted unrealistic and edited photos and this ultimately made her self-conscious about herself. It states “I wish I could say I watched this all from a cool, critical distance. In truth, my self-image began to prune from swimming so long in the sea of fitstagram. I spent too much time at the gym and worried about my forward head position—an affliction common to people who spend too much time on their phones. My Explore page, which drives users via algorithm toward content similar to what they’ve seen or liked, became a mosaic of increasingly extreme exercisers. Looking at competitive bodybuilders, I caught myself thinking they didn’t look all that weird. This is how dysmorphia works, I thought; the algorithm only encourages it, nudging you toward extremity.”This quotes demonstrates the negative impact on instagram and how it can affected her, she proably never knew following these fitness gurus would affect her that much but sadly it did and this happens to majority of us who are on social media.

Work Due Tue 9/8

  1. Respond creatively to someone else’s Media Share (1 or 2).
  2. Read & post a Media Share (#3) related to Dayna Tortorici’s “My Instagram” (in readings).
  3. Read & comment on 2 classmates’ Essay 1s. Guidelines for commenting:

In your feedback, please comment on at least 1 specific passage in the essay you’ve learned something from (and explain what you’ve learned) and make 1 specific suggestion about one passage in the essay that you think could be improved (and explain how to improve it).  Please quote from the essay at least once in your post.

NOTE: Please scroll to the bottom until you find someone who has yet to receive a comment from someone else—or someone who has only received 1-2 comments.  We have to make sure everyone gets feedback!

Perez josh The pink 3a 3b

3A. In The Pink by Andrea long chu, we learn about Chu transition from male to female.

Chu transition from male to female was very difficult and it’s apparent in the story. The way Chu expresses this difficultly is through a story format. What I mean by this is Chi guides us from start to beginning to end how her journey from male to female was for her. She starts by telling us the time before her surgery and what was going through her mind beforehand. Chu states in truth I was collecting pains pinning them like insects to the corkboard of brain scribbling little labels below this part of the story stood out to me because it really gives me the idea of what the central problem is here. to me, that problem is she’s simply nervous about the transition from male to female and how people can’t seem to accept trans people. This leads me to my next point which is later on throughout the story chu explains the difficulties of her struggles when it comes to being transwomen on of my favorite lines out of the whole. The story is the very last line The Thing about vaginas is you can never get a good look at them it just shows to me the varying issues that come with being a transgender woman and it just gives you the feeling that the story isn’t resolved because till this day transgender people are suffering from discrimination and just outright disrespect. The only question the ending of the story left me with was is she finally comfortable in her own skin.


3B two scenes I would like to add to my essay one would be describing how I felt when I first entered high school and how I felt. It would start along the lines of this here I was in a lunchroom packed with unfamiliar faces almost like riding the train on a weekday afternoon I could hear noises from every direction left right up down everywhere. However no matter how many voices I could hear and how many people where around me I felt enclosed almost trapped in a room with no way out trapped and alone in the unknown world.


My next scene would be a celebration scene in which I finally got out of the unknown and made it to the known world I broke out of that dark room I felt like I was in and I was euphoric I was able to talk to people I met new friends the party just never seemed to end. I was happy colors became a lot more vibrant and life a lot more interesting everything was simply amazing. 


Mehreen Khanom Media Share 2

After reading Chu’s story, this picture reminded me of her situation. I feel like this picture represents Chu because she was struggling to adjust after her surgery. She thought the surgery would fix everything but it didn’t. The rocks in this picture represent the struggles she faced. This picture gives me a disappointed and unhappy vibe. After she became a woman, she physically changed but not mentally. She was still sad. Even though her friends were there to support her she still felt empty.

Mehreen Khanom Media Share 1

For my intro song, I chose Habits by NAV. I chose this song mainly because I like enjoying listening to NAV. But I love listening to this song particularly. There’s really no meaning behind this song that I could relate to except this one line. “Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts”, I relate to that because I get distracted really fast and I overthink a lot. I really like his voice and the beat of the music. And every time I listen to this, it gives me energy and hypes me up.

Alexandria Dorato/ Zoom meeting 2 Summary

If i was able to join this zoom meeting, I definitely would have shared one of my most recent dreams. I usually wouldn’t because I am more on the shy side but this dream felt so real that I thought about it for days and it is unquestionably shareable. The day before I had the dream, I was at the cemetery to visit my nonno (grandfather) because it was his birthday so I wanted to be near him. It was about 10:30pm when I last looked at my phone and I was starting to fall asleep. Note that there was a full sky of stars before I fell asleep and that is exactly what I saw in my dream but the only difference was that my nonno was next to me. We were bonding and joking around like we usually would and he started to point out the big dipper which is a prominent group of seven stars in the constellation. I was quite intrigued, space is just so interesting yet confusing to me. He then said to me “that strike of lighting that you’re going to see is just me saying hello and that I love you so don’t be nervous, I want you to see the beauty of it”. My dog always barks when he hears thunder so he woke me up with his loud barking. The chills that I had in my body were unforgettable. I got up and was trying to calm him down and then I walked up to the window. I went from seeing clear skies before I went to sleep to seeing a stormy night. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that strike of lightning, I felt like I was going crazy. I’m not sure if it was just a coincidence but I wanted to take his sign. I felt that the meaning was to tell me that he is still with me. I believe in signs from the dead and they are comforting to me because I feel like they are with me sometimes. I enjoyed hearing everyone else’s dreams too, I felt like I was “living the dream”. You grasped my attention when you stated “there is conflict evoked in irony”. I agree with you because when a writer is using irony, they use indirect references instead of direct statements to point out the problematic or conflicted relationship between the perceived and the truth. I was a little confused for Friday’s writing assignment so I would have asked what you meant when you asked for a scene related to our essay’s. I was able to figure out my question because when I hear the word “scene” I automatically think of a play (performance with dialogue).

Jasleen Aujla- media share 1

For my intro, I want to use this song ‘Brave’ by Sara Bareilles. I choose this song because it gives me strength to move on in  life. Whenever I feel that I can’t do anything anymore or I give up I listened this song. It always makes me feel better and believe in myself that I can do. One of the line “Say  what you wanna say and let the words fall” is my favorite because it encouraging the openness and fostering the communication. I see people who want to say something but they feel shy and keep that inside, So, I think we should being more open. Overall this song tried to show that we can be anything we want in our life. We just need to be brave and shouldn’t give up no matter how the hard situation is.