15. Final Announcment

Hey all,

This Wednesday we will have our final Zoom call in which we will loop back to Gloria Naylor’s text on “A Word’s Meaning…”–the one we read at the beginning of the semester.  This time we’ll be scanning it for tricks it can teach us for writing a better Essay 3.  Please have a look if you can, before the Zoom.  It is quite short.

Also, as mentioned last week, final portfolios are due this week by the end of the day Wednesday.  Let me know if you need an extra day or two of time to finish.  I’ll be looking here for a link to your Google folder containing the below items; please be sure you’ve clicked on that link < and shared your Google Folder with me (otherwise, you run the risk of my thinking you dropped the class).  Here’s the stuff to make sure is in your Google folder:

–Essay 1 (2-3 drafts, meaning 2-3 different files)

–Essay 2 (2 drafts, meaning 2 different files)

–Essay 3 (optional grade boost, but most of you will want this if you’ve missed work)

–3 Revised OpenLab Friday Prompts (this can be one document but be sure to include your original post, my comments, and your revised post)

–Revision Reflection (~1 page: at least 1 paragraph describing the *specific* revisions you made to Essay 1; at least 1 paragraph describing revisions to Essay 2; at least 1 paragraph describing how your writing has changed this semester and/or how you’ve begun to think about writing—and/or reading—differently since the summer)

As always, email me with questions.   Good luck!


Lubna Mojumder Share Media 11



Many Fingers Pointing At Stressed Businesswoman Over Light Grey.. Stock  Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 39631998.


Bell Hooks,” “Bill O Reill” and “Beyonce: Sex Terrorist” speak about how Beyonce was no longer treated as a role model because of what she does and post. The problem is that when it comes to celebrities, people still seem to get the most attention. She was judged for her appearance on account of what she had written. Hooks said, “I see a part of Beyonce that’s actually anti-feminist, that’s attacking—a that’s terrorist. Especially in terms of the effect on young girls.” This is how OReilly thinks, “Why would this woman do that on earth? Why would she do it because she knows that devastation that unexpected pregnancies that we’re going to deal with in a moment, not with you, but in another chapter, and broken families, why would Beyonce do that?

Lubna Mojumder Share Media 10

I pick this article for media share since it discusses the advancement of hip jump. Back in the days, individuals scorn hip bounce however now it is known on the planet. It is a well known class and individuals are cherishing it due to renowned rappers like Jay Z and Kendric Lumar. Back in the days, individuals would loathe rap music however now it’s a renowned type that individuals tune in to all around the globe, individuals appreciate it due to celebrated rappers like Jay Z and Kendric Lamar.


For Tuesday 11/17

For Tues 11/18

Reading this week is optional:

Bell Hooks, “Madonna: Plantation Mistress or Soul Sister?” (in “Readings” folder)

Instead, I want us to focus on reading and providing feedback on each other’s Essay 2s.

For Tuesday, read two other people’s Essay 2s and share your feedback on these essays as a comment responding to their Essay 2 posts.

In your review of the other person’s Essay 2, I want you to look for and comment on the following:

  1. Has the writer clearly introduced the song title, artist name, and what inspired them to write about this song? If not, point out what additional points of introduction the writer should add.
  2. Has the writer made a clear link between a specific song and a specific social issue? If this is not yet clear, make some notes on what social issues you could see them connecting their song to.
  3. Has the person vividly described the sounds of the song they are writing about—its instrumentation, its rhythms, its repetitions, etc.? If not, where in the essay would you recommend they add details of this sort?
  4. Has the person made a clear connection between their song and a text found through the Research Resources? If not, suggest they do this!
  5. Has the person included a quotation and discussion from the text they’ve found through the Research Resources? If not, ask for a quotation! If so, what additional points might they add to their discussion of this quotation?

Lubna Mojumder Share Media 8

Lubna Mojumder Share Media 7

In the passage “art at arms length” by Jerry Saltz, he discusses the significance of a selfie on the planet today. He classifies the significance of a selfie in various parts which incorporates Defining another structure, what they state, what they don’t state, and craftsmanship history, and workmanship future. I had read the about article selfie he discuss some positive reason, if we’re looking for a non practical reason for the selfie, it’s probably this: THEY’RE SO MUCH FUN! Like if you’re out at a bar with bunch of friends and want to remember the moment, or you’re at a family party and simply love how adorable you and all your cousins look, the selfie has you covered. https://www.imore.com/sites/imore.com/files/styles/medium/public/field/image/2017/04/giphy-9.gif?itok=fToecOYH

For Wed 10/21

Hey 1101ers,
And, after a week or so away…we’re back! As mentioned previously, for this coming week I want you to focus on the two big pieces of writing we’ve been working on this Fall: Essay 1 and Essay 2.

By the end of the day on Wednesday, please complete a second draft of your Essay 1 and post a link to it as a reply to your note on the feedback you’d be using to revise.

Also for Wednesday, please share a link to your rough draft of Essay 2 as a post under the category “Essay 2 Feedback”.

Before we Zoom on Wednesday at 11am, please read the following:

Kate Crawford’s “The Anxieties of Big Data”; and…
Jon Caraminica’s “Drake: Rapper, Actor, Meme”

No need to do a Media Analysis post for this week on top of everything else.  In the Zoom, we will begin talking about strategies for creatively and interestingly using research—including, notably, building unexpected connections between seemingly quite different (possibly even unrelated) topics.  This will come in handy as you continue to develop your Essay 2s…

Welcome home—’see’ you Wed morn!