For Tuesday 11/17

For Tues 11/18

Reading this week is optional:

Bell Hooks, ā€œMadonna: Plantation Mistress or Soul Sister?ā€ (in ā€œReadingsā€ folder)

Instead, I want us to focus on reading and providing feedback on each otherā€™s Essay 2s.

For Tuesday,Ā read two other peopleā€™s Essay 2sĀ and share your feedback on these essays as a comment responding to theirĀ Essay 2 posts.

In your review of the other personā€™s Essay 2, I want you to look for and comment on the following:

  1. Has the writer clearly introduced the song title, artist name, and what inspired them to write about this song? If not, point out what additional points of introduction the writer should add.
  2. Has the writer made a clear link between a specific song and a specific social issue? If this is not yet clear, make some notes on what social issues you could see them connecting their song to.
  3. Has the person vividly described the sounds of the song they are writing aboutā€”its instrumentation, its rhythms, its repetitions, etc.? If not, where in the essay would you recommend they add details of this sort?
  4. Has the person made a clear connection between their song and a text found through theĀ Research Resources? If not, suggest they do this!
  5. Has the person included a quotation and discussion from the text theyā€™ve found through theĀ Research Resources? If not, ask for a quotation! If so, what additional points might they add to their discussion of this quotation?