Maram Awadh Media Share 3  

I chose this article for this weeks media share because it relates to Dayna Tortorici’s “My instagram.”As fun as Instagram is, its a very toxic place and can affect your mental health and wellbeing. These posts your constantly seeing can set unrealistic expectations and create feelings of low self-esteem, you might not feel like its doing anything but if your constantly on instagram and following these influencers, eventually it will get you thinking that there better than you and that there life is so called “perfect” but in reality thats not the case. In this weeks reading, we can slowly see how instagram affected her. When she first started using instagram, she thought it was innocent and she only followed people she knew but after awhile she began following fitness gurus and other influencers that posted unrealistic and edited photos and this ultimately made her self-conscious about herself. It states “I wish I could say I watched this all from a cool, critical distance. In truth, my self-image began to prune from swimming so long in the sea of fitstagram. I spent too much time at the gym and worried about my forward head position—an affliction common to people who spend too much time on their phones. My Explore page, which drives users via algorithm toward content similar to what they’ve seen or liked, became a mosaic of increasingly extreme exercisers. Looking at competitive bodybuilders, I caught myself thinking they didn’t look all that weird. This is how dysmorphia works, I thought; the algorithm only encourages it, nudging you toward extremity.”This quotes demonstrates the negative impact on instagram and how it can affected her, she proably never knew following these fitness gurus would affect her that much but sadly it did and this happens to majority of us who are on social media.

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