Question 1

Dean seems to be very important to the narrator- he even gets to a point where he compares dean to a long lost brother. He feels that they are very different- but that’s why he admires Dean. Dean is more reckless than he is, but smart enough not to do much damage. He bags girls, he is charming, and he has adventures – which sal doesn’t have. He feels his life is dull- not like before when he felt it was interesting. He enjoys deans tales, and I feel as though he almost lives vicariously through Dean.

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Blog post #3 Question #1

I don’t believe the story revolves around Dean he is talked about a lot in the story especially in the first couple chapters. I believe that Sal admires Dean so much cause how he knows Dean is uneducated yet he’s an intellect. Also Sal talked about how his life was boring, depressing and miserable until Dean showed up and made him enjoy life more realizing his dream to go west towards Denver.

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Question #1 cindy

yes, i do agree with Dean Moriarty is the center of this novel because he been describes in the novel more of a main character. Sal is interested in Dean’s life and how he try to do beeter in life even though he haven’t achieve his goals, try to be more like Dean whose has an interesting life and freedom something Sal would like. Sal also seems Dean’s sorta of a brother which it is  also why Dean play an important role in his life

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Blog 2, #8

To me i think The actual room represents or symbolizes for giovanni a place of shelter, almost like his reset place, where he would go and in his mind everything is back to normal, in some cases its like that for david but not quite. David is more reserved towards the room. Though he feels no harm in the room he doesnt see it as a place of pureness for himself, it makes him remember his past which in reality he’s running from it. he tries to use the room as a cover up for himself but doesnt succseed.

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Question #1 Post 3

I believe that Dean Moriarty is the center and motivation of this novel.  Sal states that he likes Dean because of his exuberance, eagerness, uneducated intelligence, and what he sees as his Western spirit, and also feels like Dean is a long lost brother. Sal admits to being interested in Dean as a writer needing new experiences.  Dean represents the freeness to explore and lives a carefree lifestyle. For example, Dean has new girlfriend name Camille, and is running back and forth from Marylou to Camille, lying and making love to both of them. He doesn’t care about the choices he makes and is just enjoying life. Sal admires Dean because of this adventurous and exciting lifestyle.

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Betsy Question 1

I do believe that Dean is the center of this novel.  From the very beginning Sal introduces Dean as if he is a major person or has a major impact in his life.  He did not start describing himself or the surroundings or even his sickness that he just pushed aside.  Sal was already infatuated with Dean when his friend Chad showed him letters that Dean had sent him.  He had not meet Dean yet and he was already talking to other people about him. And also seems to know what where his next moves were; almost as if he lived with him.

Dean life style is a carefree life style, even with a low paying job.  He is the complete opposite of what Sal is.  It seems with this Sal comes to admire him more than most.  With Dean’s adventures Sal may be able to write books like he wanted to.

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Post 3, Question 2

Simply, the road is life. It represents life and journeys both spiritually and physically. For Sal, the road leads away from his symbolic death in the city– a life of rule, regulation, pressure to conform, work and marriage. The road takes Sal from traditional American life to a life that rejects all notions of authority and rule and is the escape from the responsibilities of the systematic world. We follow a journey that explores this underbelly of American culture full of sex, drugs, and lost youth, a part of America that was truly off the map.

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blog post 3

I do agree that Dean Moriarty is the center of this novel.  I agree with Dean Mariarty beacuse the aurthor introduces Dean before the narrator. Dean’s behavior/lifestyle is that he will do what he wants when he wants. I’d also say that he is “life-hungry” if that is a real term because he wants to learn about every and travel everywhere and just enjoy life to the fullest. I think Sal admires Dean so much because of the energy he brings to him and the way he lives. Sal admires the way Dean lives and it made him want to do the same. As a writer he feels like he needs more excitment in his life to continue writing his stories and Dean is the “perfect guy to go on the road with.”

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Question # 2:

I believe the road, in this novel, represents a sort of freedom for Sal. He leaves New York with a plan to visit different cities and explore. He keeps this in mind while he is hitchhiking, and even though a great opportunity such as finding people who could take him all the way to San Francisco arises, he continues on his journey of going through the different cities as he originally had planned. Although he was told “you don’t get a ride like this everyday”, Sal decided to explore. This was a part of freedom that Sal liked and did not want to miss out on while it was at his reach. Everything was new to him, the people, the cities, the girls. and i believe Sal liked this.


~Carlos Lema

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Question # 1

I do agree Dean Moriarty is the center of this novel. The reason being because Sal has a huge interest in him in many differences in comparison with himself. According to Sal’s deep detailing of this novel, Dean’s behavior and lifestyle represents an openly light-hearted type of person. He does whatever he wants to do without being told or to do so. Whilst Sal’s behavior and lifestyle are more on the judgmental side of visually seeing and thinking differently, such as a “sticking to the rules” type of person considering he’s a writer. I’m merely assuming Sal admires Dean so much because Sal has never seek any sort of adventure in and for himself until upon meeting Dean who is adventurous and jaunty.

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