Author Archives: mariacgonzalez

Week 5

This pay is harsh, I have a set budget for food and it gets difficult at times.  The good thing is that my roommates and I share all the time.  I have actually given my self time to go out … Continue reading

Posted in Reflective Photo Journals | 5 Comments

Week 4

Learning how to distribute my money has been one of my challenges!  Since i have to do my own food shopping and house appliance shopping I’ve realized things aren’t cheap!  Having to cook for myself hasn’t been a problem since … Continue reading

Posted in Reflective Photo Journals | 2 Comments

week 3

I think I’ve finally adapted, its such a different way of life compared to NY.  Being on my own is such a change, making sure i get everything done on time.  It has made me a responsible young adult which makes me … Continue reading

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Week 2

I’m a little back tracked with the photo journals, but this goes to show me how busy Disney has kept me! When i received my Schedule last week i saw 46 hours and was shocked, but then thought of the over time and felt … Continue reading

Posted in Reflective Photo Journals | 1 Comment

Read & React 1

Traditions day started super early for me, to be exact it was 6:45 AM!  I wasn’t looking forward to it but once I arrived at Disney University it actually hit me that I was now a new Disney employee.  The instructors … Continue reading

Posted in Read and React 1 | 1 Comment

New Journey

  My stay in Florida has been amazing so far, new surroundings, new adventures and new people!  Everyone is so friendly and its such a different feeling compared to back home.  Today was my discovery meeting and i got assigned Mission Space … Continue reading

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