Author Archives: Karina Fabian

Journal #6 Personal Branding

Personal Branding “Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEO’s of our own ME, Inc. To be in business today, … Continue reading

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Journal # 5

In regard to the seminars, a few ago I attended to a second one and I felt extremely happy with all the information and tips that I learned for my career development. For those who do not remember, the first … Continue reading

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Journal # 4

This last week was very busy, but rewarded. I accomplished all the things that I have planned to do. One of the most interesting things that I did was to attend to one of the Disney college program seminar, “Acing … Continue reading

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Journal # 3

This past two weeks has been amazing!! But next week is going to be even better. I will be attending two different seminars that would help me with my career development, and I am also going to be interviewing one … Continue reading

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Karina Fabian’s Portafolio

My name is Karina Fabian. I am currently enrolled in the Hospitality Management major at The New York City College of Technology.  What I love about my careers is the fact of being able to create unforgettable moments for other … Continue reading

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Read and React #2 Unusual Situations & Safety

As it is discussed in the Barbara Higgins’ article; keeping guests and employees safe it one the priories for any hotelier. At those moments is when leaders have to address the most crucial decisions in order to recover. As she … Continue reading

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Reflective Journal #2

This is my 3rd weekend here at Disney; things have changed a lot since the day I just walk-in into the Welcome Center. So far, it is a truly life changing experience. The fact of  been living away from my … Continue reading

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“Traditions” Read & React #1

Traditions in my personal experience here at Disney, definitely exceed my vision of the company. I can tell that at the beginning I was not expecting to feel the way I felt at the end. However, for me, tradition was … Continue reading

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Reflective Journal # 1

One week has passed since I check in vista way for the Disney College Program. I cannot complaint; everything has been amazing, starting with my roommates. I live in an Apartment with other five girls from different countries and backgrounds … Continue reading

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The Upcoming Disney Experiences

In a few weeks from now, I am going to be starting my Disney Intership. Even though Iam sort of scared for the new living experience, I am more than Happy to live this experience.

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