Feeling Adjusted (Reflection#4)

        Already being part of the Disney family for a month now , I can finally say I am adjusting to the new life style. Ever since I passed my assessment and I have been put through difficult tasks and I was capable of doing them no matter what has just made me stronger. Now I am capable of getting into a cash register without being scared , I am able to tolorate a line of 30 costumers just waiting to get a Mickey Premium Bar. I have learn that everything is accomplished with patience and making sure you are doing the right things. I can finally say that I walk to my job everyday now mentally and physically prepared to what might come to me.
       I knew from the beginning this was not going to be easy, but I knew deep inside my heart I was going to be capable to do it . Now I really do feel part of the Disney family , but more of the ODF family group in Animal Kingdom. I am getting more familiar with the managers , the cast members and the park it self.  I am just happy the rough part of getting used too and not giving up has passed , now I just have to be prepared to what has to come.
       This journey will have its ups and downs! and it is a life changing journey to the personal level and career wise level . It has taught me so far a lot but I know more will come. 🙂

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2 Responses to Feeling Adjusted (Reflection#4)

  1. Suzanne says:

    You got this Jen, and I’m glad things are turning around. It’s crazy to think we did Traditions and started this journey just a month ago. It’s a roller-coaster experience, but it should all be worth it when we can say we survived DCP!

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