I Have Passed The Test ( Reflective Journal #3)

Four days ago was my assessment . Before having my assessment with one of the managers from ODF , a trainer reviewed everything . We reviewed all the places we had trained at for the past 7 days and all the procedures on how to open and close up a kiosk or a ice cream cart. After we had reviewed everything the manager came and did the assessment and I passed. Passing the assessment was the big step of taking off your “EARNING YOUR EARS” ribbon, which makes not a trainee anymore but you are now equivalent to the other workers.
5 minutes after I had passed my assessment my manager came upto me and handed me my assignments for the day. She told me “Jennifer you will be a breaker for four people today” . I felt my heart sink into my chest and break into 100 millon pieces , I never thought on the first day of being alone I would be put as a breaker even though I was only ONE TIME  in the cash register and the ONLY AND FIRST TIME ever handling money . I looked at the paper and I see that I was a breaker for the east side of the park, I was never trained on the east side of the park and I told my manager and she said ” Oh I am sorry” . I took the paper and ran out of the ODF base with 4 keys to all of the breakers compartments of the cash register . At the end of the day I had to bank out 4 times which was a 2 hour process because of the amount of people that were trying to bank out and also because I did not want to commit any mistake on my first day as a breaker. At the end of the night I was even with 3 banks and was short one dollar in one of them. My manager tapped me on my shoulder and told me I had done a good job as a breaker for the first time.
Two days ago I walk into the base and I see that my name is under “Funnel Cake Camp Minnie-Mickey” . Once again I felt a huge weight on my shoulders and I walked into the manager’s room with a scared face and told her I did not know how to open up Funnel Cake and I didn’t know the procedures for setting up the shop. During training they only showed us how to close the shop. She looked at me and told me to grab the waters , set up the soda machine and to grab ice. As I walked towards the Funnel Cake shop a lot of stuff was just running through my head but I was trying my best to keep a positive mind. The manager sent out one of the old timers to come help me out and open up funnel. For 6 hours in funnel cake we then realized why our funnel was not cooking properly and quick was because the fire on the fryer was not turned up at the temperature  that it was suppose to be and because my co-worker and I, had no clue on how to use the fryer and we had just taken our assessment like a few days ago.

I am noticing that this will not be a easy job to get used too because I am always being moved around the whole entire park and I am not able to get adjusted with the task with a couple of days.  Going through these phases at my job is very stressful but I can say that this will just make me stronger for the future. I know in the future I will say : “I’ve Been there, I’ve done that” .

This is just making me stronger . As a day passes by and as I struggle more , the more I learn .

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