Journal Entry 13

The time is coming to a closing pretty fast. Leaving in two weeks is bitter sweet. I am so excited to be home again and be with my friends and family, because being away from them hasn’t been easy. But its bitter becauseĀ I haveĀ met so many cool people out here and I wish I could just take them back with me.

I went home last week for a few days and I end up finding a job for when I come back! So I Ā am excited for that as well! I am going to do my very best these last 2 weeks to take full advantage of doing any and everything I haven’t gotten a chance to do. And seeing the lion king show one last time!!


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One Response to Journal Entry 13

  1. Account Deleted says:

    Congratulations on finding a job! That is pretty amazing! I am currently searching for an internship for when I go back and it has proven to be somewhat difficult. I am sure your experience here at Disney helped you in doing so. I am also making a list of things I want to see and do before I leave. It is crazy to think how fast time has gone and how soon we will be back in the wonderful chaos that is New York and also back to cold weather. Yikes!

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