“Traditions” Read & React #1

Traditions in my personal experience here at Disney, definitely exceed my vision of the company. I can tell that at the beginning I was not expecting to feel the way I felt at the end. However, for me, tradition was not just about a set of standards, rules, or expectations that a company follows, it was more than that. Even though I learned about the heritage and culture of the company, I was inspired and motivated by the message and dream of Walt Disney. Dream that today has become truth, but in which I am also part of it without even notice it.

Now, I think I understand the value of following traditions. It does not only allow us to connect with the culture of our company, but also to keep our vision and mission statement clear in order to give our best everyday at work.  Here at Disney everything start with the vision and dream of a young man, however  today we are still working keeping the same legacy of this magnificent man. We are working as a team to make a better and happy place, where family can enjoy together. We are making the difference everyday, because we believe in these dream as Walt Disney did a long time ago.  That’s exactly what traditions bring to the company, to us; a legacy, a vision, a belief,  because “We can make a difference.”

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