Journal #1

I have been at Disney for three months now and started to become homesick after my son came to visit me. I have the best roommate which helps me feel a little better, but I miss my son so much. There has been times that I felt like giving up and just going home, but I stop and think just a few more months and I’ll be on my way. So far I can’t complain I have had the best experiences and opportunities. I went from being a housekeeper to working in food and beverage… two jobs in one trip. I have met many friendly people and people willing to help… people that make the worst of your day the best. I love being able to go into the parks any day and any time I want. I love the discounts we get as cast members. I just finished my Human Resource Management class and it was one of the most educational classes that I’ve taken. I loved the educator who taught the class she was very knowledgeable. I learned so much about the labor laws such as illegal reasons for firing a person. I actually received a certificate for perfect attendance… how great is that? I wish I could invite my whole family to come an enjoy this fabulous adventure with me.

I.M. Epcot Electric Umbrella, Food and Beverage FOH

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3 Responses to Journal #1

  1. nschloss says:

    I could just imagine how you feel being away from your son. Congrats to you on doing both housekeeping and food and beverage. I have to agree with you on the discounts that we get! What is your veiw on housekeeping? I have been hearing mix veiws about it.

  2. imatias89 says:

    Housekeeping I found it to be a hard position for me… it’s a one shift job which makes things much harder, but thankfully there are people that are willing to help you when you are falling behind.

  3. Huihong He says:

    I just finished my training last week. I have to do the rooms by myself tomorrow, and I hope I can handle them.

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