Home at last

So I have now been home for a little over a week, and I must honestly say it’s not the same.  After having a set schedule for 5 months, and coming home to start back again from nothing is really depressing.  I do miss all the friends I have made over at Disney, and appreciate everything that I have learned there as well.  Never the less, I now know what is feels like to live out in the real world.  I know for many of us college program interns, this is the first time we are living, learning, and earning on our own, and i could honestly say it has been a great experience for me all together.  I have recently went back to my previous job at a catering hall and am now doing event planning.  I very much apply everything that I have learned with guest relations and customer service in my job, and am thankful to Disney for that.  The one thing that I know that i will never forget is the two finger point.  I do that everywhere now, its like a force of habit.

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