Weekly Journal #6

After a few days eating the something over and over again. I got tired of cooking the samething. I wanted to learn to make a new dish with the items I already have in the house. What to do? I just decided to cook anything because I was starving at that point. My personal growth is learning how to cook.This past week I cooked pasta with baby shrimp and had a side plate of vegetables. I used butter to create a creamy sauce with the shrimps. Using a garlic sauce, creating a delightful taste and adding a bit of soy sauce to spice up the baby shrimps on top. I had bread to go with the meal and it was quiet tasty! I am learning to expand my knowledge in cooking and creating a good meal.
It was an achievement because I now have to cook for myself and sometimes cook for my roommates. They give me good advice and its something new I learned I like to do. Why not make a meal for everyone who enjoys my cooking. I am officially an undercover chef. A new interest I have learned to like doing.


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One Response to Weekly Journal #6

  1. Carol.Pelaez says:

    I agree my personal growth since living down here has been cooking, although I did cook back at home this time I cook more and try different dishes. I try to make my own dishes which come out amazing. For some reason when I try to follow a recipe online or youtube it does not come out the same. So instead I try to whip anything I can with whatever I have and make the best of it.

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