Journal #11



It is safe to say that Disney is super slow this time of year. Everyone expects it to be so crazy, but little do they realize that people don’t stay at the resorts as much as they visit the parks during the holidays. The parks might be congested and swamped with locals and cast members on vacation, but during this time of year people tend to stay home for the holidays and enjoy them with their family in the comfort of their own homes.

I was honestly surprised with the low occupancy of the resort the past few weeks. With an occupancy rate of 70%, that is extremely low compared to the 95-99% we are used to.

Our managers today reminded us that just because the occupancy rate is 70% that doesn’t mean it has 70% of people occupying the resort, but more like the rooms are 70% full. That means that a suite which can house 6 people, can only be used by 2-3 and it is still considered full. A lot of people do this during the holidays because they don’t want to cram a whole family into a room for a week.

Other than that, my parents come Saturday- Saturday and I cannot wait to have fun with them. It is my Mom’s first time here for Christmas, and it is mine aswell. I am beyond HYPEDDD to be at Magic Kingdom on CHRISTMASSSSSSS. w0000t w0000t.

Also, I am pretty hyped not to stay in this horrible apartment. It’s a vacation whenever I am not in vista for the day. I hate vista, I wish I was in The Commons.

I hope everyone enjoys their holidays, and I hope every has a safe trip home!

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2 Responses to Journal #11

  1. I was actually very surprised in how slow the Disney resorts are. I am here thinking December is going to be a crazy month but boy was I wrong! Our managers are even giving us ER almost every day. My parents and I would had never come to Disney for christmas just because we always thought it would be to crowded. But its truly one of the best times to come down here. It so beautiful. Anywho, your very lucky that your parents are coming down. I am a bit jealous. Hope you have a good time and Happy Holidays!

  2. Kaity says:

    Wow! I would’ve never thought that the resorts would have a low occupancy rate! That would make my life as a housekeeper much easier to handle!

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