last week was my final week in the Disney college program. I worked for seven days straight but I was so use to it that it was a great week. The work was the same but the people made every single day special with there great wishes and congratulations. It was a great experience which I will cherish for a really long time. I can say I created many wonderful memories and do think about a possible future with Disney. Last week I also decide to volunteer for Give kids the world. It was such a great feeling to be there and help this organisation create beauty and happiness for these children and their family. last week it was Christmas and it even snowed in Florida. The look on there faces made it all worth it. I encourage everyone to take some time and volunteer no matter what it is every hand is appreciated.
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- Prof. Karen Goodlad on Reflective Weekly Journal- Aftermath: New York City
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- Prof. Karen Goodlad on Weekly Reflective Journal #12
- ambar ubiera on Read and React #5
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