Journal # 6: The difference between a Manager and a Leader.

The past few days have been, well busy. This past Saturday marked the first Saturday of spring break, the first day of Epcot’s Flower & Garden Festival, and the first day of Orlando Biker Week. And I thought food and wine was busy. All our casts were all hands on deck. Everybody that was able to work worked. And in times like these, this is when I know who my managers are and who my leaders are. I can only tell because when every location is busy and you they are standing with you at your cart and you need help there are two things they might say to you. A manager will say “I’ll try to get someone out to help you as soon as I can”, a leader will say “I’ll stay and help you as long as I can.” I proud to say that after this weekend, I only work with Leaders.

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2 Responses to Journal # 6: The difference between a Manager and a Leader.

  1. Victoria Rodriguez says:

    Hi Carlos,

    I’m glad you have such wonderful leaders. Its funny how we are working in totally different location but have similar work situations. some of my managers will come and see that its noon and you still have 12 rooms and checkouts to do. They will ask you to go back in a room and fix the smallest little thing, yet will not help you with the rest of the rooms. I understand they want us to learn, but sometimes its nice to see the people on top help us out especially on the up coming busy weeks to come. Good luck, we all need it.

    • I know how you feel with the managers making you go back and move something from one place to another when they could have just done it themselves. It can become irritating, but one of my old leaders always said “It’s better to tell you what you was wrong and why and have you go fix it, than have you go fix something and you not knowing why it was wrong.” After she told me that I just chuck it up to the learning experience.

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