Journal # 4

This has been a very odd week. Not only have we been unseasonable busy, but I also got deployed to Electric Umbrella. I don’t think that anyone was prepared for how busy the last week has been. For example, Cooling Post is located in the African Outpost between China and Germany at Epcot. Normally we don’t get busy until around 7 p.m. because that right around the time we people start to line up for Illuminations but the last time I worked their we couldn’t keep food moving fast enough. Between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. we sold approximately 150 cup and 300 hotdogs. I also received my second Great Service Fanatic Card for courtesy and efficiency. I earned this card the same way as the last. I extended my shift 2 hours to help cast members manually bank-out.

Getting deployed to Electric Umbrella was not part of my plans. Working their this past Sunday brought back many memories from my previous program at Blizzard Beach and working Quick service. It felt good to be back in a QSR kitchen, but since I’m not trained in their kitchen, I can only work FOH as a busser or greeter. I quickly got back into my rhythm with directing guest through the line, helping them find tables and clearing table so other guest may be seated and with how cold it was on Sunday, everyone wanted to be inside. Even with two greeters sorting , the line still reached outside. We had so many groups that we ran out of chairs. I watched and later apologized to a family that was forced to sit on the floor around a table and eat because we didn’t have any more chairs. One thing that made my day was that in the rush and cold induced pandemonium I was able to wittiness the  brighter side of humanity . While clearing a table, I watched a Canadian gentlemen and his, son who were waiting on their food, give up three chairs at their table and carry them over to a family who had their food but not enough seats. Even though their was an obvious language barrier between the gentlemen and the family they all stood up and thanked him. When the Canadian family’s food arrived he and his two sons both stood and ate until chairs next to them were available.

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