Journal #4

Time management is the key. This is my second week working on my own and I can’t say it’s easier but I’m getting the work done and in good quality too. I need a lot of work on my speed but have made great friends with the senior housekeepers. Knowing Spanish does give me a little advantage with many of them but they are more than happy to help because at the end of the day they were once in my shoes and still feel the pressures of the job. I’m already up to eighteen rooms and like last week I just try my best.  Luckily I nave a new friend call keyla a fellow cp from Pennsylvania, we started paring up and doing most of our check outs together and helping each other.  It helps a lot with the work load and makes it a lot more fun to do the work and we keep each other motivated to keep going. Unfortunately team work sometimes is not encouraged; it all depends on the manager.  Something else that I’m learning is to fulfills the needs of different managing style, which I learned the hard way. There are many way of getting a job done and have to make both of them happy and that’s a challenge when both mangers want different things. I did get audited in one of my rooms last week and got an 88% I think that’s pretty good for my first week on my own but have to get a 94 or better as its the standard for the all star sports section, that is my goal for this week..

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2 Responses to Journal #4

  1. Zhe Zhuang says:

    I am so surprised you have 18 rooms to clean each day! That’s not a easy job! Even though I am PM housekeeping, we still have some teamwork to help other people out once somebody finish early. Good luck!

  2. Victoria says:

    yes Im up to 18 rooms, its very challenging but I do receive a lot of constructive advice on what I need to work on and little by little im getting used to the work. The work is very physical and at time painful but when I finish on time or they finish work we help each other out.

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