Journal #14

Today I joined in the Disney Volunteers. We went to a school to pack sweaters in boxes so that they can be distributed to schools that have homeless children in them. The sweaters and shirts were donated by Disney they had Disney characters printed on them. This is my first time experiencing something like this and I really liked it. There were about 25 people who volunteered and we were able to fill about 100 boxes in an hour. It was fun and I had a good time. After this experience I would be looking forward into joining other volunteer work.

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One Response to Journal #14

  1. nschloss says:

    I felt the same way after I had volunteer for Give the Kids the World. I wish I was able to volunteer again before I leave. It felt good seeing the kids smile, it felt like I was looking at the 13 Year old me when I did Make A Wish Foundation.

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