Journal #8

After being in Florida for five months I finally was able to go back home for eight days. I felt out of place and realized how rude people are in New York City. Florida especially Orlando is a place that I wouldn’t want to live in, but the people are so much friendly and welcoming. Especially in Disney World the atmosphere is so different. The weather in NYC was cold compared to Florida I felt like I was freezing. I really prefer the weather we have in Florida right now instead of NYC’s weather. While I was at home I was happy to be with my son, but I was bored. Being in the college program it gives you things to do everyday. Either you are working 1o hours a day or at the parks or at a housing event. It makes me want to extend my program a little longer. I don’t feel like I have gotten to enjoy the best of Disney. There are so many great discounts that we get that are worth it, but such little time to enjoy them. To further my Disney experience and to continue making magical moment for our guest I will definitely be looking into working for the Disney store in New York just because I don’t feel ready to leave this place.

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