Journal #7

This week I received three Guest Service Fanatic Card from my area manager. She said that my name was mention on three guest surveys and that all three guest said that I was polite and nice to them. When I received those cards I couldn’t believe it; I was amazed. I have been waiting for a GSF card, but I never thought that I was going to get one. I did notice that many times that I did talk to a guest or I was polite to them they would always glance at my name tag. The good thing was that I was wearing my name tag or else those GSF’s would have been addressed to Chris from Orlando, FL.

After getting those three GSF’s in a row it made me feel good to know that people do acknowledge how I treat them. I have always been polite to people, but never shown appreciation for my actions. That day I was put into a very happy mood, I believe I gave my best guest service that day. It gave me the motivation to want to continue making a better day for many other guest.

I believe that I got the GSF cards from guest that came to my register because that is where I have the most communication with the guest. This is why I dislike being in the kitchen because it keeps me from guest interaction.

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