Journal #6

At my location I believe we have the best managers and one of the best cast members, but I don’t believe we have the best coordinators. The coordinators can be very rude at times and much more harsh then the managers. When a leader or a coordinator acts rude towards me or gives me an attitude for no reason it just ruins my whole day. The same as if a cast member does it too. People should be aware that if you are rude to someone in the workplace is like passing negative energy that will be passed to others and that will be seen and received by guest. Leaders and coordinators must be motivators, they should be able to always show a positive energy even when there are harsh times in their personal life. I don’t like to feel limited to whom I can talk to about a problem or to whom I can ask a question without getting a response with an attitude. In a case like this I just try to avoid the person that seems to be in a bad mood and just ask anyone else that may also have the authority at the moment.

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