Journal #4

At work I have been trained front and back of the house. My favorite position is front of the house because in the kitchen I feel trapped and limited to how far I can move. I love guest interaction and in the kitchen it feels like its being taken away from me. One of my favorite positions is the cash register because I get to interact one on one with multiple guest. Even though our interactions is mostly about what they want to order I have gotten learn a little about their style of ordering. For example the majority of Middle Eastern guest order fries, chicken or vegetable items, Brazilian guest always ask for a Spanish translator even though Portuguese and Spanish are not the same language its seems to them like its the only similar language they can understand, then we have the England guest which I consider to have the best manners they always say please and thank you after every item they order and after every item you hand them even the children do it too. Then there’s the mom, dad and the children. The mom is usually the one arguing with the children about what they want to eat that by the time that its her turn to order she still doesn’t know what she wants and dad has already had enough time to think that he is able give his order in less than five seconds while the mom is still deciding. There are also the elderly married guests that order the same menu item for each other. Although this may not be true for all guest of the same category its most common. The way this analyse will help me in a future is that if go into the restaurant industry I know what to expect of this guest when it come to their style of ordering. I can estimate wait times on taking an order.

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One Response to Journal #4

  1. nschloss says:

    I can agree with you that the guests from England have the best manners ever. Registers are my least favorite because I am so afraid of the deposits that we do at the end of the shift. My best fear it being short, which happened to me the last time that I was on register. I was extremly happy that my corrdinator found the money for me, being a $100.00 short and not being able to explain what happened to that money started to make me cry.

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