Reflective Journals #2

I have been in Disney for only two weeks, but it seemed I stayed here longer than that.  This week was my training week.  The first day of my training was amazing.  I had a chance to walk through the whole resorts with all new CP, and got to know the coordinators from each department.  One of the things that shocked me out was they took a group picture for us, and put them on the walls in order to let all the employees knew us.  I had a hard time from my second and third days training.  Frist of all, the cart was much larger than I thought; it was hard to drive since it was my very first time to do housekeeping.  I started to learn how to make beds and cleaning stuff from my trainer.  It was hard for me to learn how to make the beds because the way was huge different from my ways.  For example, they had to use three sheets and one blanket; however, I just used one sheet and no blanket.  Moreover, I heard that we had 16 rooms per day which was only 8 hours.  On one hand, it was good because I could get the experience from what I had never done before.  On the other hand, I was concerned about that I couldn’t finish on time which was bad.  I hope I would get used to very soon.    

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2 Responses to Reflective Journals #2

  1. nschloss says:

    Give it two more weeks and you will become an expert at it. Within a week of working at my post I am the one to train all the new cp’s .

  2. imatias89 says:

    No lie, it’s going to be tough, but no matter what you do don’t give up. Stay till the end. If you fill that you are falling behind and you are not capable of doing the job consult it with your manager. If you at any time feel like quiting just take a deep breath and exhale. Remember there is no impossibilities, there is always something that can be done. Good Luck!

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