My Disney classes are over journal #11

The time is finally here it’s time to see if all my hard work paid off.   For my last

assignments for  each of my classes we got to go to the parks. It was a well deserved

break we all needed as a class.  Although we were given an assignment to do we all had a

wonderful time doing it.  When I first started these two class I didn’t know what to

expect, but at the end I left with a better appreciation  and knowledge of  myself  and a

better understanding of the history and heritage of Disney.  The classes were very

informative and the teachers were outstanding.  I’m so thankful to have had the

opportunity.  Now that it’s over I’m a little disappointed  to see everyone go.  It was

definitely an experience I will never forget.  I have received my Disney end of the

semester packet.  It was my grades and my Disney Ducktorate Degree, saying I have

successfully completed the classes.  I’m at the end.   I have to finish up these last few

assignments.  I need to finish out strong.  And when I do I will be extending to August.

That will give me the chance to do a lot more activities, go out a lot more and pick up a

lot more hours at the job.  There’s still so much to do in Florida and with these two extra

months there should be no reason why I can’t make that happen.  Besides, I’m not ready

to leave yet.

Monique Soden

Animal kingdom

Merchandising, Stroller Rental

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